Moment Maps and Symmetric Multilinear Forms Associated with Symplectic Classes

Akito Futaki,Toshiki Mabuchi
Asian Journal of Mathematics
Abstract:Introduction.For a compact connected symplectic 2n-dimensional manifold (M,UJ) with a Hamiltonian action of a compact connected Lie group G, we have a moment map /i : M -> g* such that the Hamiltonian functions nx '•= < faX >, X £ g, satisfy the condition f fi x u n = 0, JM where $ denotes the Lie algebra of G.This /J, is uniquely determined by the G-action on M as above, and is called the reduced moment map.Let us first consider the case where G is a fc-dimensional torus T = (S 1 ) 1 * with the associated Lie algebra t.Then the image /x(M) of the moment map is a compact convex polytope (cf.Atiyah [1], Guillemin and Sternberg [14]).The kernel, denoted by tz, of the exponential map exp : t -> T is called the lattice in t, and points in the lattice are called integral points.They in turn define the dual lattice t| and integral points in t*.By setting iq := tz ^z Q and tq := tj ®z Q? we have rational points in t and t*.A convex polytope in t* is said to be integral or rational, according as all vertices are integral points or rational points, respectively.The fixed point set M T of the T-action on M sits in the critical point set for fi, and the image /i(M T ) is a finite subset of t*.The following proposition, which was originally conjectured by Atiyah [1] in the special case of projective algebraic manifolds, plays a key role in our work: PROPOSITION A. Assume that to represents an integral cohomology class of M modulo torsion. For G = T = (S' 1 ) /c; let fi : M -> t* be the reduced moment map.Then /x(M T ) C tq, and in particular, the convex polytope /i(M) is rational.In this paper, by giving a proof of this proposition, we generalize the results in [10] to symplectic cases.Take a general compact Lie group G, and let fj,: M -» $* be the reduced moment map as above.We here observe that the underlying differentiable structure of a compact symplectic manifold does not necessarily admit a compatible complex structure (see [13]).For the symplectic class [w], just like the £-th moment for a probability distribution, we define a symmetric multilinear form $£ : e g -> M by G for some positive integer m.In view of Proposition A, we obtain
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