Invariant Polynomials On Compact Complex-Manifolds

Akito Futaki,Shigeyuki Morita
Abstract:1. Introduction.Let M be a compact complex manifold of dimension n, H(M) the complex Lie group o all automorphisms of M and )(M)the complex Lie algebra o all holomorphic vector fields of M. In case when c(M) is positive, the first author defined in [11] a character f:(M)--C which is intrinsically defined and vanishes i M admits a Khler Einstein metric.The purpose of the present note is twofold.First we generalize the definition of f to obtain a linear map F:I (GL(n, C))---I(H(M))where, or a complex Lie group G, Ip(G) denotes the set of all holo- morphic G-invariant symmetric polynomials o degree p.The original f coincides with F(c/) up to a coastant.Secondly we give an inter- pretation ot f in terms o secondary characteristic classes of Chern- Simons [9] and Cheeger-Simons [8].More precisely we show that f appears as the so-called Godbillon-Vey invariant o certain complex foliations.We also have real analogue of the linear map F for compact group actions.However this case can be derived rom the recent papers by Atiyah-Bott [2] and Berline-Vergne [4], which we noticed ater we have finished this work.Very interestingly both o the above works [2] [4] are inspired by Duistermaat-Heckman's paper [10] in symplectic geometry while we started rom Khlerian geometry.In 7 we shall derive a Duistermaat-Heckman type ormula replacing a symplectic form and a hamiltonian vector fields by a Khler orm and a holo- morphic vector field.2. Definition of H(M).invariant polynomials.Let M be a com- pact complex manifold o dimension n.Choose any hermitian metric h on M and let D and 9 be the Hermitian connection and the curvature form with respect to h respectively.We put L(X)--Lr--Dx tor any X e (M).For e I (GL(n, C)) we define f ((M))---C by f(X1, X)= (L(X1),... L(X), @), 2 r i ))" *)
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