Valeriy Balan,Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Business Navigator
Abstract:The study is devoted to solving the actual problem of strategic planning of enterprises, namely the problem of competitive analysis. The article offers a methodical approach to the comparative assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises. Based on the analysis and generalization of scientific domestic and foreign sources, an approximate list of the main criteria for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises is given, with their decomposition into appropriate sets of indicators that can be adapted to the specifics of the industry or market segment. The developed approach is based on the application of modern tools of multi-criteria analysis and fuzzy-multiple theory. The DIBR (Defining Interrelationships Between Ranked criteria) multi-criteria analysis method is used to determine the weighting coefficients of the evaluation criteria (as well as the corresponding indicators), and the Fuzzy CoCoSo (Combined Compromise Solution method) method is used to calculate the level of competitiveness of enterprises. The validity of the results obtained using the methodological approach is ensured by checking the consistency of the individual evaluation judgments of each expert and the group consistency of the expert group. In case of unsatisfactory consistency of the evaluations of the group of experts, the use of Fuzzy Delphi procedures is assumed. The application of the possibilities of the theory of fuzzy sets, in particular fuzzy multi-criteria analysis, makes it possible to integrate disparate information about competing companies in the form of crisp estimates, intervals and expert estimates in a linguistic form. The implementation of the calculation scheme of the proposed approach in the form of a framework in Excel makes it possible to conduct simulation simulations depending on the experts' assessments. The developed methodical approach can be useful in competitive analysis for the comparative assessment of competing enterprises and the construction of their competitive profiles, for determining the most important factors that affect the competitiveness of the enterprise, for identifying opportunities for strengthening the competitiveness of the enterprise, in particular, the formation of an information base for benchmarking and the formation of competitive strategies.