From la Politique to Generic Communism:Badiou on Relationship between Philosophy and Politics
Antonio Negri,Arianna Bove
Abstract:In Badiou’s theory,the relationship between philosophy and politics occupies a significant status.From 1970s, Alain Badiou considered it as a crux in his thought.Badiou’s politics is that which emerges from multiple of mass movements,that is to say,la politique,which performs rebellions and uprising against noms based on States and parliament democracy.The central idea of la politique is the truth brought from inconsistent event,which open the door of possibility of politics,while le politique is constrained in particular identity and count principles,devoted to deliberation and statistics for voting among different opinions.Indeed,such le politique cover the truth up.Thus,for breaking through le boundary of le politque and State,we must actualize generic extension on political procedure,that is,should look forward Communism as aim of politics.The generic communism isn’t an established fact,but an everlasting aspiration for event, and an communism idea of possibility in future.