Quantum 2D Liouville Path-Integral Is a Sum over Geometries in AdS$_3$ Einstein Gravity
Lin Chen,Ling-Yan Hung,Yikun Jiang,Bing-Xin Lao
Abstract:There is a renowned solution of the modular bootstrap that defines the UV complete quantum Liouville theory. We triangulate the path-integral of this Liouville CFT on any 2D surface $\mathcal{M}$, by proposing a shrinkable boundary condition for this special CFT that allows small holes to close, analogous to the proposal in rational CFTs [1-3]. This is essentially a tensor network that admits an interpretation of a state-sum of a 3D topological theory constructed with quantum 6j symbols of $\mathcal{U}_q(SL(2,\mathbb{R}))$ with non-trivial boundary conditions, and it reduces to a sum over 3D geometries weighted by the Einstein-Hilbert action to leading order in large $c$. The boundary conditions of quantum Liouville theory specifies a very special sum over bulk geometries to faithfully reproduce the CFT path-integral. The triangulation coincides with producing a network of geodesics in the AdS bulk, which can be changed making use of the pentagon identity and orthogonality condition satisfied by the 6j symbols, and arranged into a precise holographic tensor network.
High Energy Physics - Theory,Strongly Correlated Electrons,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology,Mathematical Physics,Quantum Physics