The Value System and Its Protection and Utilization of Natural and Cultural Heritage in China
Geographical Research
Abstract:A better understanding of the natural and cultural heritage value is the basis for dealing with the relationship between protection and utilization of the world heritage, and it is also the precondition to solve the problem of "urbanization, commercialization, artificialization" of the heritage sites. Based on the system theory, after reviewing different views and interpretations of the natural and cultural heritage value, this paper proposes the value system of natural and cultural heritages in China, which can be divided into three parts: the background value, the direct applicable value and the indirect derivative value. This value system is multi-leveled with the background value being the foundation of the other values, so we should make use of the heritage with a reasonable manner at the precondition of protection. At the same time, these three values exist in different spatial are- as, namely, the background value mainly exists within the range of heritage sites, the di- rect applicable value exists in the heritage sites and their adjacent regions, and the indirect derivative value exists mainly outside the range of heritage sites. Therefore, to protect and use the natural and cultural heritages, we should stick to three basic principles: firstly, protecting the background value strictly to ensure that the authenticity and integrity of heritage is not compromised; secondly, using the direct applicable value appropriately through "function comprehensive utilization, product comprehensive development and in- dustrial comprehensive development; thirdly, giving full play to the indirect derivative value to stimulate the local social and economic development.