The evaluation of left ventricular systolic function by two-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography in patients with left ventricle enlargement

Tang Hong
Abstract:Objective To estimate the concordances of left ventricular systolic function indexes obtained by two-dimenssional echocardiography(2DE) and M-mode echocardiography(ME) in the patients with moderate or severe mitral valvular regurgitation and/or aortic regurgitation(VR),dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM) and ischemic cardiomyopathy(ICM).Methods Atotalof100patients(VR35,DCM 32,ICM 33) were performed with 2DE and ME,then LV end-diastolic dimension(EDD),end-diastolic volumes(EDV) and LV ejection fractions(EF) were attained(marked with LVEDD2DE,LVEDDME,LVEDV2DE,LVEDVME,LVEF2DE and LVEFME respectively).Results ①In all patients,LVEDD2DEand LVEDDME,LVEDV2DEand LVEDVMEhad significant differences;LVEF2DEand LVEFMEwere thesameinstatistics,andtheyhada closelinearcorrelation,r=0.869.②Intra-groupcontrast:LVEDD2DEandLVEDDMEweredifferentin 3 groups,LVEDV2DE and LVEDVME were the same in group VR,but different in two other groups;there was no significant difference between LVEF2DE and LVEFME in three groups.③Inter-group contrast: LVEDD2DE was different between group DCM and group ICM,and between group VR and group ICM,and so were LVEDDME,LVEDV2DE and LVEDVME;LVEF2DE was different significantly among groups,and so was LVEFME.It was showed that the same results from two methods,which were LVEDVVR≈ LVEDVDCM LVEDVICMand LVEFDCMLVEFICMLVEFVR.④AccordingtoLVEDD2DE,thepatientsweredividedintolargeLVgroup(80mm)andgreatLVgroup(≥ 80mm);inbothgroups,LVEDV2DEandLVEDVMEweredifferent,andLVEF2DEandLVEFMEwerethesameinstatistics.Conclusion The LVEF from two methods shows less variances,which is less influenced by LV size and regional wall motion abnormality.The LV sizes closetoeachotheringroupVRandgroupDCM,butthedeclinedextentofLVEFaredifferent,whileLVsizeingroupICMissmaller than thatintwoothergroups,butLVEFingroupICMislessthanthatingroupVR.
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