Banach algebras associated to twisted étale groupoids: inverse semigroup disintegration and representations on $L^p$-spaces
Krzysztof Bardadyn,Bartosz K. Kwaśniewski,Andrew McKee
Abstract:We introduce Banach algebras associated to a twisted étale groupoid $(\mathcal{G},\mathcal{L})$ and to twisted inverse semigroup actions. This provides a unifying framework for numerous recent papers on $L^p$-operator algebras and the theory of groupoid $C^*$-algebras. We prove a disintegration theorem that allows us to study Banach algebras associated to $(\mathcal{G},\mathcal{L})$ as universal Banach algebras generated by $C_0(X)$ and a twisted inverse semigroup $S$ of partial isometries subject to some relations. Our theory works best when the groupoid is ample or when the target of a representation is a dual Banach algebra $B$, so for instance $B=B(E)$ where $E$ is a reflexive Banach space. In particular, it implies that in the constructions of $L^p$-analogues of Cuntz or graph algebras, by Phillips and Cortiñas--Rodr\'ıguez, the use of \emph{spatial partial isometries} is not an assumption, in fact it is forced by the relations.
We establish fundamental norm estimates and hierarchy for full and reduced $L^p$-operator algebras for $(\mathcal{G},\mathcal{L})$ and $p \in [1,\infty]$, whose special cases have been studied recently by Gardella--Lupini, Choi--Gardella--Thiel and Hetland--Ortega. We also introduce tight inverse semigroup Banach algebras that cover ample groupoid Banach algebras, and we discuss Banach algebras associated to twisted partial group actions, twisted Renault--Deaconu groupoids and directed graphs. Our Banach Cuntz algebras are related to the construction of Daws--Horváth.
We aim for a high degree of generality throughout: our results cover non-Hausdorff étale groupoids and both real and complex algebras. Some of our results seem to be absent from the literature even for $C^*$-algebras.
Functional Analysis,Operator Algebras