Market Structure of Agricultural Insurance, Spatial Dependence and Agricultural Insurance Conditional Convergence
Qi HUANG,Jian-ping TAO,Hong-mei ZHANG
Abstract:The tremendous diverse regional characteristic has weakened the universality of agricultural insurance.The root cause is that the agriculture insurance market has a highly oligopolistic market structure.So the essential point of agricultural insurance upgrading is to solve the problem of regional differences of agricultural insurance.In this paper provinces' (cities')panel data and vector data from 2007 to 2014 of China are utilized.First,HHI index HHI =n∑i=0 (xi)2 is considered to measure agricultural insurance market competition.The second step is to confirm the necessity of adopting spatial dimension by computing the mergence Moran's I index,and Local Moran's I index.Finally effects of agricultural insurance market structure to regional agricultural insurance growth convergence are analyzed by Spatial Econometric Model gyi,t =αi,t +βLnyt-1 +ρWgyi,t + γLnHHIi,t +τLnXi,t +μi,t,μi,t ~ N(0,σi,t2).The following conclusions are drawn:(1) There exists significant spatial dependence on China's agricultural insurance market structure and the density of agricultural insurance;(2) Through the controlling of certain variables,regional agricultural insurance growth follows the convergence theory.The conditional convergence rate is 24.37%,among which 17.725% of the rate of convergence is determined by the agricultural insurance market structure itself,6.645% of the rate of convergence is determined by the "Spatial Spillover Effect";(3) In addition,"Crowding Out" concerning finance support agriculture,results in the decrease of development speed of agricultural insurance.The efficient agricultural insurance claims will produce "Demonstration Effect",leading to the enthusiasm of the agricultural insurance improvement.This research has improved itself with the important theoretical significance and practical value to enrich and develop the theory and method of regional agricultural insurance and to improve the policy of agricultural insurance convergence development.