Factorial and Cumulant Moments in E+e− → Hadrons at the Z0 Resonance

K Abe,I Abt,CJ Ahn,T Akagi,NJ Allen,WW Ash,D Aston,KG Baird,C Baltay,HR Band,MB Barakat,G Baranko,O Bardon,T Barklow,AO Bazarko,R BenDavid,AC Benvenuti,GM Bilei,D Bisello,G Blaylock,JR Bogart,T Bolton,GR Bower,JE Brau,M Breidenbach,WM Bugg,D Burke,TH Burnett,PN Burrows,W Busza,A Calcaterra,DO Caldwell,D Calloway,B Camanzi,M Carpinelli,R Cassell,R Castaldi,A Castro,M CavalliSforza,A Chou,E Church,HO Cohn,JA Coller,V Cook,R Cotton,RF Cowan,DG Coyne,G Crawford,A DOliveira,CJS Damerell,M Daoudi,R DeSangro,P DeSimone,R DellOrso,M Dima,PYC Du,R Dubois,BI Eisenstein,R Elia,E Etzion,D Falciai,C Fan,MJ Fero,R Frey,K Furuno,T Gillman,G Gladding,S Gonzalez,GD Hallewell,EL Hart,A Hasan,Y Hasegawa,K Hasuko,S Hedges,SS Hertzbach,MD Hildreth,J Huber,ME Huffer,EW Hughes,H Hwang,Y Iwasaki,DJ Jackson,P Jacques,J Jaros,AS Johnson,JR Johnson,RA Johnson,T Junk,R Kajikawa,M Kalelkar,HJ Kang,I Karliner,H Kawahara,HW Kendall,Y Kim,ME King,R King,RR Kofler,NM Krishna,RS Kroeger,JF Labs,M Langston,A Lath,JA Lauber,DWGS Leith,MX Liu,X Liu,M Loreti,A Lu,HL Lynch,J Ma,G Mancinelli,S Manly,G Mantovani,TW Markiewicz,T Maruyama,R Massetti,H Masuda,E Mazzucato,AK McKemey,BT Meadows,R Messner,PM Mockett,KC Moffeit,B Mours,D Muller,T Nagamine,S Narita,U Nauenberg,H Neal,M Nussbaum,Y Ohnishi,LS Osborne,RS Panvini,H Park,TJ Pavel,I Peruzzi,M Piccolo,L Piemontese,E Pieroni,KT Pitts,RJ Plano,R Prepost,CY Prescott,GD Punkar,J Quigley,BN Ratcliff,TW Reeves,J Reidy,PE Rensing,LS Rochester,PC Rowson,JJ Russell,OH Saxton,SF Schaffner,T Schalk,RH Schindler,BA Schumm,A Seiden,S Sen,VV Serbo,MH Shaevitz,JT Shank,G Shapiro,SL Shapiro,DJ Sherden,KD Shmakov,C Simopoulos,NB Sinev,SR Smith,JA Snyder,P Stamer,H Steiner,R Steiner,MG Strauss,D Su,F Suekane,A Sugiyama,S Suzuki,M Swartz,A Szumilo,T Takahashi,FE Taylor,E Torrence,AI Trandafir,JD Turk,T Usher,J Vavra,C Vannini,E Vella,JP Venuti,R Verdier,PG Verdini,SR Wagner,AP Waite,SJ Watts,AW Weidemann,ER Weiss,JS Whitaker,SL White,FJ Wickens,DA Williams,DC Williams,SH Williams,S Willocq,RJ Wilson,WJ Wisniewski,M Woods,GB Word,J Wyss,RK Yamamoto,JM Yamartino,X Yang,SJ Yellin,CC Young,H Yuta,G Zapalac,RW Zdarko,C Zeitlin,Z Zhang,J Zhou
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/0370-2693(96)00046-9
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:We present the first experimental study of the ratio of cumulant to factorial moments of the charged-particle multiplicity distribution in high-energy particle interactions, using hadronic Z0 decays collected by the SLD experiment at SLAC. We find that this ratio, as a function of the moment-rank q, decreases sharply to a negative minimum at q = 5, which is followed by quasi-oscillations. These features are insensitive to experimental systematic effects and are in qualitative agreement with expectations from next-to-next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD.
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