Conspicuity of bone metastases on fast Dixon-based multisequence whole-body MRI: clinical utility per sequence
Colleen M Costelloe,John E Madewell,Vikas Kundra,Robyn K Harrell,Roland L Bassett Jr,Jingfei Ma
Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the conspicuity of bone metastases on each of the numerous sequences produced by fast Dixon-based multisequence whole-body (WB) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning in order to determine the most clinically useful sequences overall and per anatomic region. Materials and methods: Twenty-seven breast cancer patients with bone metastases were prospectively studied with fast Dixon-based WB MRI including head/neck, chest, abdominal, pelvic, thigh, calf/feet and either cervical, thoracic and lumbar or cervical/thoracic and thoracic/lumbar regions. Sequences included coronal T2, axial T1 without and with intravenous gadolinium (+C), sagittal T1 spine+C, each associated fat-only (FO) and fat-saturated (FS) sequence, axial diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and short tau inversion recovery (STIR). Blinded reviewers evaluated lesion conspicuity, a surrogate of clinical utility, on a five-point scale per anatomic region. Sequences were compared using analysis of variance, differences were detected with Tukey's honestly significant difference test, and the four sequences with highest mean conspicuity were compared to the remainder overall and per anatomic region. Results: Overall, a significant lesion conspicuity difference was found (P<.0001), and lesion conspicuity was significantly higher on FS T1+C, FO T1+C, T1+C sagittal and FS T1+C axial sequences (P<.0001). Per-region results were the same in the head/neck. Other sequences overlapped with these and included the following: chest/abdomen - FO T2, DWI; pelvis - DWI, FO T2; thigh - FS T2, FO T2, FO T1+C; calf/feet - FS T2, DWI, FO T2, STIR. Conclusion: Overall, bone lesions were most conspicuous on FS T1+C sagittal, FO T1+C sagittal, T1+C sagittal and FS T1+C axial fast Dixon WB MRI sequences.