Hegel's Decoding and Surpassing the Crux of Conscious Certainty

Zhang Zhongmin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-7326.2011.06.003
Abstract:In face of the crux of conscious certainty,Hegel criticized naturalism and formalism,and revealed why the former scholars lost in the crux.Hegel,in his'Die Phnomeno Iogie des Geistes',drew out from human consciousness nature and determined the truthness that unifies certainty and uncertainty,exhibited a continuously extended and self lighted rout through sustainedly expanding and renewing a circle movement,so as to dissolve the controdiction between certainty and uncertainty and exhibit the true essence of human consciousness nature in the controdiction movement of truthness.From his demonstration,we may see an inner light from Hegel's concept of truthness,comprehend the consciousness nature deeply and inspect clearly into the discussion about certaity and uncertainty in the western philosophy.
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