Professor Saloon on "drama Adaptation"

Cheng-zhou HE
Abstract:In the recent ten years,intercultural performance studies have evoked worldwide repercussions among international scholars on dramatic theories.Scholars,such as Patrice Pavis,Erika Fischer-Lichte and Julie Holledg,compiled and published a series of academic works,discussing various problems in intercultural performance.In The Intercultural Performance Reader,Patrice Pavis discussed many cases in intercultural performance,including Peter Brook's adaptation of Indian epics and Japanese director Suzuki's adaptation of Shakepearean and Greek tragedies in the form of traditional Japanese drama.Fischer-Lichte and Holledg in their intercultural studies also mentioned Chinese adaptations;however,because they are not familiar with the cultural and social context of the performances as well as the artistic characteristics of Chinese spoken and traditional opera,their viewpoints are often times not so convincing and the discussions rather limited.Concerning the Western Centrism in intercultural performance studies,Indian scholar Rustom Bharucha put forward sharp criticism,which has aroused academic debates.In China,there is a long history of Western adaptation and performances are carried out in a variety of theatrical forms.In addition,new changes have taken place recently.But there has not been much research on the adaptations,particularly from theoretical perspectives.Nanjing University has had a long tradition of research on spoken drama,traditional opera,foreign and performances.When Prof.PENG Jing-xi,a famous scholar of Taiwan University,visited the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities Social Sciences of Nanjing University,a number of scholars on Chinese and foreign were invited to participant in a professor saloon on drama adaptation.The following is edited from their speeches for publication,with the hope that the topic will arouse more attention.
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