Response Assessment of Malignant Lymphoma:International Working Group Criteria vs Revised Response Criteria

Abstract:Objective:Functional imaging with 18F fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG) positron emission tomography(PET) has been proposed as a more accurate alternative in the staging,restaging and therapy monitoring of patients with malignant lymphoma.The Imaging subcommittee's charge was to develop guidelines for performing and interpreting FDG-PET for treatment assessment in lymphoma,to ensure there liability of the method both in the context of clinical trials and in clinical practice.In the present study we investigated whether a response classification based on revised Response criteria provides a more accurate response assessment than International Working Group Criteria(IWG criteria) in patients with malignant lymphoma.Methods:Between January 2001 and January 2007,113 patients with histologically proven NHL or HL(age range,5-79 years;mean age,40 years) at Cancer Center,Sun Yat-Sen University.Lymphoma was classified histologically according to the World Health Organisation Classification.PET and CT staging was based on the Ann Arbor clinical staging classification.Results:On the basis of the IWG criteria,62 patients had a CR,4 had a CRu,41 had a PR,1 had SD,and 5 had PD.In comparison,by Revised response criteria,80 patients had a CR,22 had a PR,2 had SD,9 had PD,and zero had a CRu.The most pronounced discordance was observed in the CRu by IWG criteria designation,in which all 4 CRu designations by IWG patients were reclassified as CR(n=2) or PR(n =2) by Revised response criteria.Non-CR patients by IWG criteria and revised response criteria classifications with poorer outcome compared with CR patients(P=0.01).Non-CR patients by revised response criteria classifications with poorer outcome compared with CR patients(P=0.00).However,in different histologic type analysis,there was no significant difference in T-cell lymphoma between CR and Non-CR by Revised response criteria Classifications(P =0.797).Conclusion:Compared with IWG criteria,the revised response criteria provides a more accurate response classification in patients with malignant lymphoma.For incurable and most variably FDG-avid lymphomas,especially,T-cell lymphoma,the use of PET remains controversial.
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