Using Peroxymonosulfate-Ozone Advanced Oxidation For The Treated Wastewater Disinfection and Amoxicillin Micro-Pollutant Removal Simultaneously
Gagik Badalians Gholikandi,Atefeh Mollazadeh,Hamidreza Farimaniraad,Hamidreza Masihi
Abstract:Abstract Due to the recent efforts to improve the conventional disinfection methods efficiency of wastewater treatment plants effluent, in this study, the efficiency of the peroxymonosulfate-ozone (PMS+O 3 ) advanced oxidation process in lab scale by the aim of disinfection and simultaneous removal of existing amoxicillin micro-pollutant under optimum operational condition was investigated for the first time. Furthermore, the results were compared with those obtained from the experiments conducted employing persulfate-ozone (PS+O 3 ), hydrogen peroxide-ozone (H 2 O 2 +O 3 ), and ozonation (O 3 ) processes. For this purpose, the main parameters including the total coliforms, amoxicillin concentration, turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 5 ), total nitrogen (TN), electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and total suspended solids (TSS) were considered. The test results show that under optimized operational conditions (retention time of 20 minutes, ozone dosage rate of 0.83 mmol/L, and peroxymonosulfate concentration of 0.06 mmol , 99.99% total coliforms (e.g., the number of total coliforms reached consistently less than 400 MPN in 100 ml) removal was reached by peroxymonosulfate-ozone advanced oxidation process. Also, amoxicillin concentration removal efficiency reached 90±2%. In comparison, although the total coliforms reduction of PS+O 3 and H 2 O 2 +O 3 methods in 30 min are approximately the same, the amoxicillin concentration removal efficiency is about 60-70%. Due to the importance of ensuring effluent quality, the related removal efficiency of other considered parameters is also evaluated and presented. Eventually, the peroxymonosulfate-ozone method can be considered as a novel efficient approach for wastewater plants effluent disinfection and amoxicillin micro-pollutant removal simultaneously which is a novel approach.