Procedure Discretion under Service Idea and its Regulation…
Zheng Chunyan
Abstract:The concept of service government has gradually been universal after the high-tide of the western countries' Reinventing Government Movements since 1980. Under the guidance of service idea, administrative organ and other subjects who undertake the administrative tasks determine the forms and types of procedure with discretion in order to accomplish the administrative tasks better. On the one hand, the exercises of procedure discretion make a fuzzy bound between different administrative functions, and also destroy the application premises of the strict principle of legal reservation. In modern administration, intervention administration and supply administration often cooperate with each other perfectly to accomplish the hard administrative tasks flexibly. So it is unadvisable to defend the traditional absolute differentiation between intervention administration and supply administration and to apply the strict principle of legal reservation. On the other hand, the exercises of procedure discretion generate a new phenomenon that several administrative actions achieve one administrative target, which disclose the deficiency of the single administrative action form as the main analytical mean in administrative law. Hence the traditional theory of administrative law, which stereotypes administrative action and then judges its legality according to its constitutive requirements, will obstruct the dynamic administrative process artificially, and will obstruct the court to consider the whole and compound administrative actions comprehensively. To analyze this new type of administrative activity, we should not only abide by the law, but also pay attention to the guidance of the administrative purpose, which requires us to consider the whole administrative process with several administrative actions as dynamic administrative legal relationship, and to explore the compound legal status of administrative organs and other subjects who undertake the administrative tasks and administrative counterparts in interactive and pluralistic relationship. The legality of each administrative action should also be judged in dynamic administrative legal relationship.