Synthesis, thermal stability and properties of [(Fe1−xCox)72Mo4B24]94Dy6 bulk metallic glasses
Shan Tao,Zubair Ahmad,Hong Jian,Tianyu Ma,Mi Yan
IF: 6.2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Abstract:Research highlights ▶ Synthesis of large size BMGs with [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) alloy system. ▶ High GFA with large values of Δ T x (80–92 K), T rg (0.609–0.622) and γ (0.415–0.424). ▶ Maximum compressive fracture strength up to 3540 MPa and H v of 1185. Abstract A series of [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) in rod geometries with critical diameter up to 3 mm were fabricated by copper mold casting method. This alloy system exhibited good thermal stability with high glass transition temperature ( T g ) 860 K and crystallization temperature ( T x ) 945 K. The addition of Co was found to be effective in adjusting the alloy composition deeper to eutectic, leading to lower liquidus temperature ( T l ). The [(Fe 0.8 Co 0.2 ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 alloy showed the largest supercooled liquid region (Δ T x = T x − T g = 92 K), reduced glass transition temperature ( T rg = T g / T l = 0.622) and gamma parameter ( γ = T x /( T g + T l ) = 0.424) among the present system. Maximum compressive fracture strength of 3540 MPa and micro-Vickers hardness of 1185 kg/mm 2 was achieved, resulting from the strong bonding structure among the alloy constituents. The alloy system possessed soft magnetic properties with high saturation magnetization of 56.61–61.78 A m 2 /kg and coercivity in the range of 222–264.2 A/m, which might be suitable for application in power electronics devices. Keywords Bulk metallic glass Glass forming ability Thermal stability Soft magnetic property 1 Introduction Ferromagnetic Fe(Co)-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have attracted considerable attention due to their unique magnetic properties for electronic devices and transformers applications [1,2] . Several Fe(Co)-based BMGs: (Fe,Co)-(Ga, Mo)-(P–C–B–Si) [3–6] , Fe–Co–Zr–M–B (M = Zr, Mo, W) [7,8] and Fe–Co–Nb–Si–B [9–11] have been studied, which exhibit promising magnetic and functional properties. Among them, some alloy system [6,11] possessed good soft magnetic properties with saturation magnetization of 1.14–1.44 T and low coercive force of 1.5–20 A/M, which largely enhanced the possibility of their industrial applications. Some of Fe(Co)-based BMGs show poor glass forming ability (GFA) such as Fe–Co–Zr–Mo–W–B [8] , Fe–Co–Ni–Zr–Mo–B [12] , which have restricted their BMGs critical sizes up to 1.5 mm. Therefore, in order to expand their industrial applicability, search for advanced Fe(Co)-based BMGs possessing high GFA along with superior mechanical and magnetic properties is essential. Researchers have adopted two approaches to improve GFA along with properties in Fe(Co)-based alloys system either by composition modification or process optimization. The former approach was found to be more conventional and economical from manufacturing point of view than the later due to practical difficulties during synthesis process. It has been found that the minor addition of rare-earth (RE) element has a beneficial effect on GFA, mechanical and magnetic properties of Fe(Co)-based BMGs [13–15] . Consequently, a number of Fe(Co)-based BMGs as Fe–Co–Pr–B and Fe–Co–Y–B alloys were developed [16,17] . Although, these alloys reflected improved GFA, but their critical sizes were still small as compared to Mg- [18] , Zr- [19] and La- [20] based BMGs, which exhibits maximum sizes up to 32 mm. Recently, Li et al. reported that Dy element with relatively high bulk modulus (41 GPa) has positive effect in the development of BMGs [21] . Similarly, it was found that the addition of transition metal like Mo can simultaneously increase GFA, thermal stability and fracture strength in Fe-based BMGs [22,23] . Our previous studies showed that (Fe 72 Mo 4 B 24 ) 94 Dy 6 BMGs have good GFA, magnetic and mechanical properties [24] . With the aim of improving Fe(Co)-based BMGs with higher GFA, along with good mechanical and magnetic properties, a new series of alloy system [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) was developed by copper mold casting and effects of Co content on GFA, magnetic and mechanical properties were discussed. 2 Experimental Cast ingots with nominal compositions [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) were prepared by arc melting the mixture of Fe (99.6 wt.%), Co (99.9 wt.%), Mo (99.8 wt.%), Dy (99.9 wt.%) metals and Fe–B alloy (79.58 wt.% Fe, 20.42 wt.% B) in an argon atmosphere. Each ingot was re-melted for five times to ensure the composition homogeneity. Alloy ingots were then crushed into small pieces in accord with the size of quartz crucible for copper mold casting. Rod shaped samples with diameters ranging from 1 to 3 mm and length up to 30 mm were obtained by copper mold casting. Glassy structures of samples were identified by X-ray diffraction technique (XRD Thermo ARL X’Tra diffractometer) with Cu Kα radiation in a 2 θ scan-range of 20–80°. The glass transition, crystallization and melting behaviors of the alloys were examined with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC, NETZSCH DSC 404 C) using a continuous argon flow at a heating rate of 0.33 K/s. The supercooled liquid region (Δ T x ) was defined by the temperature interval between the glass transition temperature ( T g ) and the onset crystallization temperature ( T x ). Curie temperature ( T c ) of the glassy rods was measured by a magnetic thermal gravimetric analyzer (M-TGA, Delta Series TGA7) at a heating rate of 0.17 K/s. Magnetic properties such as saturation magnetization ( M s ) and coercivity ( H c ) were determined by the M – H hysteresis loops using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM, Lakeshore 7407). Uniaxial compressive tests on the glassy rods were performed with a universal testing machine (CMT5205 SANS, China) at a deformation rate of 5 × 10 −4 s −1 . For compressive tests, specimens of 2 mm in diameter and 4 mm in length were obtained from the cast rods, and seven samples were subjected to compressive test to ensure reproducibility of the results. Vickers hardness ( H v ) measurements were conducted using a micro-Vickers hardness tester with load and dwelling time of 200 g and 15 s, respectively. For hardness test, at least 12 measurements were performed for each sample. 3 Results and discussion Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) samples of 2 and 3 mm in diameter. All the samples of 2 mm-diameter with different Co contents exhibit similar broad halo peaks, which represents an amorphous structure. It means that the present Fe–Co–Mo–B–Dy alloy system has a good GFA that enable us to cast amorphous rods at least 2 mm in diameter. The possibility of glassy rods with larger diameter from this alloy system was further examined. As shown in Fig. 1 , the increase of diameter to 3 mm results in the appearance of crystalline phases and some sharp diffraction peaks correspond to α-(Fe, Co), Dy(Fe, Co) 3 and borides like (Fe, Co) 3 B, (Fe, Co) 2 B for the alloys with x = 0.1, x = 0.3, x = 0.4 and x = 0.5. The critical diameter where the rod is fully amorphous is 3 mm for x = 0.2 and 2 mm for the other alloys ( x = 0.1, x = 0.3, x = 0.4 and x = 0.5), respectively. Therefore, the maximum rod diameter of keeping fully amorphous structure is 3 mm for the bulk [(Fe 0.8 Co 0.2 ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 alloy. This indicates that the [(Fe 0.8 Co 0.2 ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 alloy possesses the best tolerance in GFA among the present alloy system. Fig. 2 (a) and (b) illustrate DSC curves of [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) glassy rods with diameters of 2 mm at the temperature range of 750–1150 K and 1150–1450 K, respectively. Each DSC trace exhibits distinct glass transition, followed by a wide supercooled liquid region. The glass transition temperature, T g and the onset crystallization temperature, T x (marked by arrows, respectively) determined from the temperature region of 750–1150 K are summarized in Table 1 . In addition, the thermal parameters Δ T x ( T x − T g ), T rg ( T g / T l ) and γ ( T x /( T g + T l )) are also calculated and presented in Table 1 . With the increase of Co content, T g increases gradually from 854 K for x = 0 [24] to 860 K for x = 0.1, then decreases to 831K for x = 0.5. T x decreases linearly from 945 to 912 K as a function of the Co content. The value Δ T x shows weak dependence on the Co content and remains in a range of 80–92 K. Furthermore, the present BMGs also possess high T rg (0.609–0.622) and γ (0.415–0.424) values. All the Δ T x , T rg and γ are higher than previously reported RE-free Fe(Co)-based BMGs [25–27] , which is probably one of the main factors for obtaining high GFA in [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 alloys that enable us to manufacture BMG up to 3 mm in diameter. The onset melting temperature ( T m ) and offset melting temperature ( T l ) obtained from the temperature region of 1150–1450 K are also listed in Table 1 . With the increase of Co content from x = 0 to 0.5, T m and T l monotonically decrease from 1377 to 1326 K and 1400 to 1365 K, respectively, which indicates that the addition of Co is effective in shifting the alloy close to a eutectic point. It is known that alloy compositions at or close to the eutectic point can favor the glass structure formation [28] . Thus, the addition of proper amount of Co in the present alloy system could stabilize the supercooled melt by lowering the liquidus temperature and consequently enhance the GFA. According to the strong bonding nature theory suggested by Poon et al. [29] , the Fe–Co–Mo–B–Dy system that contains mid-size Fe, Co atoms as the major alloy components, small size B atom as the next major component (20–30 at.%) and the large size Dy, Mo atoms as the minor component (∼10 at.%) falls into the ‘majority atom-small atom-large atom’ (MSL) alloy class. In the MSL alloys, L atoms (Dy, Mo) and S atom (B) may form a strong L–S percolating network or reinforced “backbone” in the amorphous structure which enhances GFA. The good GFA and high thermal stability of Fe(Co)-based BMGs could be also understood by the empirical rules [30] . In the present system, the atomic radii of component atoms are Fe 0.124 nm, Co 0.125 nm, Mo 0.136 nm, B 0.09 nm, Dy 0.175 nm [31] and the ratio of atomic radii is 1.411 for R Dy/Fe , 1.097 for R Mo/Fe , 1.008 for R Co/Fe and 0.726 for R B/Fe , respectively. This atomic mismatch enhances the local random packing density, which might result in the suppression of crystallization and thus lead to improve the stability of liquid phase. Furthermore, the enthalpies of mixing among the alloy constituents for Fe–B, Co–B and Dy–B atomic pairs are −27 kJ/mol, −9 kJ/mol and −51 kJ/mol, respectively [32] . These large negative values of heat of mixing enhance the cohesion and interactions among alloy constituents and promote chemical short range ordering in liquids, which, in turn, improve the local packing efficiency and restrain long range diffusion of atoms [33] . However, it is difficult to establish the relation between GFA and thermal stability because of the complex competition between thermodynamic driving forces, formation of inter-metallic phases and crystallization kinetics. Bhattacharya et al. [6] pointed out that high thermal stability in (Fe,Co)–Mo–B–C–P–Si metallic glasses can be obtained by replacing the boron with carbon atoms. Furthermore, high atomic packing density of the alloy components lead to a higher viscosity which in turn slow down the process of nucleation in the (Fe,Co)–Mo–B–C–P–Si alloys. Thus, high atomic packing density in the investigated [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) alloys might reflect good thermal stability. Fig. 3 shows the M – H hysteresis loops of amorphous [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) rods with a diameter of 2 mm. The saturation magnetization ( M s ) and coercivity ( H c ) are presented in Table 1 . M s decreases initially from 64.97 to 60.36 A m 2 /kg with Co content up to x = 0.2, then it increases as a function of Co content. This is in good agreement with the reported Fe 70− x Co x Hf 5 Mo 7 B 15 Y 3 ( x = 0–20 at.%) alloys [27] . The initial decrease in M s is attributed to the reduction of magnetic moment caused by smaller Bohr magnetons of Co atoms as compared to Fe atoms [34] . While, the increase in M s for x > 0.2 alloys could be presumed by the enhancement of chemical short range ordering in the amorphous state due to the excessive Co contents [35,36] . The H c values in the present alloys are comparable to the Fe 70− x Co x Hf 5 Mo 7 B 15 Y 3 ( x = 0–20 at.%) alloys [27] but higher than the [(Fe,Co,Ni) 0.75 B 0.2 Si 0.05 ] 96 Nb 4 [37] and (Fe 1− y Co y ) 78 Mo 1 C 7 B 3 P 10 Si 1 ( y = 0.15, 0.2, 0.3) alloys [6] . This discrepancy in coercivity is probably due to the difference in alloy composition, raw materials purity and processing conditions. Curie temperature ( T c ) values of the studied alloys are also listed in Table 1 . The T c of the BMG alloys increases monotonically with increasing Co content and reaches to a maximum 582 K for x = 0.5. It is well known that the Curie temperature is dependent mainly on the strength of the exchange interaction between magnetic atoms. This increase in T c may result from the strong exchange interactions of Fe–Co and Co–Co atomic pairs. Fig. 4 shows the compressive stress-strain curves of [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 ( x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at.%) alloys at a deformation rate of 5 × 10 −4 s −1 . The fracture strength ( σ f ) and micro-Vickers hardness ( H V ) are listed in Table 1 . In comparison with Co free (Fe 72 Mo 4 B 24 ) 94 Dy 6 alloy [24] , the present [(Fe 1− x Co x ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 alloys possess higher fracture strength up to 3540 MPa and micro-Vickers hardness up to 1185 kg/mm 2 . The enhancement of fracture strength and hardness in Fe–Co–Mo–B–Dy alloys is ascribed to the strong interactions among its constituent elements due to large negative values of mixing enthalpies. Moreover, the atomic network structure formed by the large atoms and small atoms in the MSL alloy class may lead to enhance the fracture strength in the present alloy system. 4 Conclusions The bulk glassy (Fe,Co)–Mo–B–Dy alloys were developed by copper mold casting method. Proper substitution of Co for Fe in (Fe,Co)–Mo–B–Dy alloy system lead to improvement of atomic packing density, stability of liquid phase and suppression of crystallization which in turn increase GFA, magnetic and mechanical properties. The [(Fe 0.8 Co 0.2 ) 72 Mo 4 B 24 ] 94 Dy 6 alloy exhibits the largest Δ T x (92 K), T rg (0.622) and γ (0.424) values that enable us to manufacture bulk metallic glassy rods up to critical diameter of 3 mm. The high fracture strength and hardness in present alloys are attributed to the formation of network-like atomic structure and the strong bonding nature among the constituent's elements. The alloy system also possesses good soft magnetic properties with high saturation magnetization and modest coercivity. The magnetic properties of the present alloy system could be improved by taking the advantage of high purity raw materials, maintaining proper ratios of Fe and Co atoms and magnetic field annealing treatment, which could be suitable for future promising applications. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50971113 ) and 863 program of China (No. 2009AA03Z112 ). References [1] P. Tiberto M. Baricco E. Olivetti R. Piccin Adv. Eng. Mater. 9 2007 468 474 [2] R. Hasegawa J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 215–216 215 2000 240 245 [3] B.L. Shen H. Kimura A. Inoue T. Mizushima Mater. Trans. JIM 41 2000 1675 1678 [4] K. Amiya A. Urata N. 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Glass Forming Ability, Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of (fe72mo4b24)100−xdyx (x = 4–7) Bulk Metallic Glasses
Shan Tao,Tianyu Ma,Hong Jian,Zubair Ahmad,Hui Tong,Mi Yan
IF: 6.044
Materials Science and Engineering A
Abstract:(Fe72Mo4B24)(100-x)Dy-x (x=4-7) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) cylindrical rods with diameters up to 3 mm and a length of 30 mm were prepared by copper mold casting. The influence of Dy content on the glass forming ability (GFA) of Fe-Mo-B-Dy alloy system was investigated. With the increase of Dy content, the supercooled liquid region Delta T-x (=T-x-T-g) increased from 75 K for x=4 to 91 K for x=6. The (Fe72Mo4B24)(94)Dy-6 alloy possessed the largest Delta T-x (91 K), indicating the best GFA among the investigated alloys. The BMGs exhibited high compressive fracture strength up to 3071 MPa and micro-Vickers hardness up to 1130 kg/mm(2). The appreciable magnetic properties of the alloy system were obtained as well. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thermal, magnetic and mechanical properties of (Fe 1 − x Co x ) 68 Dy 6 B 22 Nb 4 bulk metallic glasses
guoliang zhao,chen wu,shan tao,mi yan
IF: 4.458
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Abstract:(Fe1−xCox)68Dy6B22Nb4 (x=0–0.5) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were prepared by copper mold casting. Effects of substituting Fe with Co on the thermal, magnetic and mechanical properties of the BMGs were investigated. Addition of Co is effective in improving the glass forming ability (GFA) of the alloy and BMG rods with diameters up to 4mm can be obtained by industry-grade raw materials. The substitution of Co for Fe leads to high saturation magnetic flux density (0.7515T) as a result of optimized number of spin-up and spin-down electrons in the d-band. The amorphous nature of the alloy gives rise to low crystalline anisotropy and coercivity (<10A/m). High fracture strength (3213–3738MPa) is also obtained for the FeCo-based BMGs.
Mechanical and magnetic properties of (Fe72Mo4B24)100−xTbx (x=4, 5, 6, 7at.%) bulk glassy alloys
Hong Jian
IF: 6.2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Abstract:(Fe72Mo4B24)100−xTbx (x=4, 5, 6, 7at.%) bulk glassy alloys with diameter of 2mm were prepared by copper mold casting. The influence of Tb content on glass forming ability was investigated. There is partial crystallization in the alloy when x=4, while fully amorphous alloys with no detectable crystallization are obtained for x=5, 6, 7, respectively. DSC curves of the amorphous alloys indicate that this system exhibits a high glass transition temperature (Tg=848–927K) and a wide supercooled liquid region up to 104K. The best glass forming ability is obtained for x=5. These bulk metallic glasses exhibit good mechanical properties, with the compressive strength up to 3163MPa, and Hv up to 1149. In addition, the alloys exhibit relatively good soft magnetic properties, with Ms up to 69.205emu/g and Hc as low as 4Oe.
Formation and ultrahigh mechanical strength of multicomponent Co-based bulk glassy alloys
Fang Wang,Akihisa Inoue,Fanli Kong,Shengli Zhu,Chunxiao Xie,Chengliang Zhao,Walter Jose Botta,Chuntao Chang
IF: 6.267
Journal of Materials Research and Technology
Abstract:A glassy phase with glass transition (GT) was formed in a wide B content range of 12‒31 at% for (Co 0.75 Cr 0.125 Mo 0.125 ) 100-x B x alloys. The appearance of GT at the low metalloid content of 12%B among Co-, Fe- and Ni-based alloys is the first, in contrast to the absence of GT for (Fe 0.75 Cr 0.125 Mo 0.125 ) 88 B 12 and (Ni 0.75 Cr 0.125 Mo 0.125 ) 88 B 12 alloys. The Co-based 12%B glassy alloy crystallized through unique three stages, i.e., glass (G) → [G + hcp + fcc] → [G + fcc] → [fcc + M 23 B 6 ]. The appearance of GT is due to the necessity of long-range rearrangement of constituent elements for the simultaneous precipitation of hcp and fcc phases from glassy phase. The glass transition temperature, crystallization temperature, Vickers hardness (Hv) and Young's modulus for the Co-based glassy alloys increase linearly with increasing B content and reach 904 K, 946 K, 1566 and 188 GPa, respectively, at 31%B. The good bending plasticity is retained up to 29%B. The crystallization of the 27‒29%B alloy occurs through G → [G + M 23 B 6 ] → [M 23 B 6 + M 2 B] and the ultrahigh Hv above 2000 is attained for the metastable [G + M 23 B 6 ] phase state. The glassy alloy rod with a diameter of 1 mm was prepared for the 27%B alloy and exhibited ultrahigh yield strength of 4700 MPa, plastic strain of 1% and high oxidation resistance up to about 1200 K. The Co-based bulk glassy alloy with simultaneously high strength, ultrahigh hardness and high oxidation resistance, is promising for the future high hardness and heat-resistance materials.
materials science, multidisciplinary,metallurgy & metallurgical engineering
Roles of Y and Fe contents on glass-forming ability, thermal stability, and magnetic properties of Co-based Co–Fe–Y–B bulk metallic glasses
Xinyu Liang,Yanhui Li,Feng Bao,Zhengwang Zhu,Haifeng Zhang,Wei Zhang
IF: 4.075
Abstract:<p>Soft magnetic Co-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with large supercooled liquid region (Δ<em>T</em><sub>x</sub>) and high saturation magnetic flux density (<em>B</em><sub>s</sub>) have been developed in a new Co–Fe–Y–B alloy system. Addition of appropriate contents of Y and Fe into a Co<sub>75</sub>B<sub>25</sub> alloy enlarges the Δ<em>T</em><sub>x</sub> and improves the glass-forming ability (GFA). Δ<em>T</em><sub>x</sub> of 50–64 K and a critical diameter of up to 2.0 mm have been achieved for the (Co<sub>0.5–0.7</sub>Fe<sub>0.3–0.5</sub>)<sub>71.5</sub>Y<sub>3.5</sub>B<sub>25</sub> BMGs. The coercivity (<em>H</em><sub>c</sub>) of Co<sub>75-x</sub>Y<sub>x</sub>B<sub>25</sub> and (Co<sub>0.7</sub>Fe<sub>0.3</sub>)<sub>75-x</sub>Y<sub>x</sub>B<sub>25</sub> (x = 0–5) alloy series shows a similar V-shape change with Y content, and gets the minimum at x = 3.5, while that of (Co<sub>1-y</sub>Fe<sub>y</sub>)<sub>71.5</sub>Y<sub>3.5</sub>B<sub>25</sub> (y = 0–0.5) alloys keeps rising with the increase of Fe content. The <em>B</em><sub>s</sub> of the alloys monotonically decreases with more Y addition and increases with enriching of Fe. The (Co<sub>0.5–0.7</sub>Fe<sub>0.3–0.5</sub>)<sub>71.5</sub>Y<sub>3.5</sub>B<sub>25</sub> BMGs exhibit high <em>B</em><sub>s</sub> of 1.00–1.17 T and low <em>H</em><sub>c</sub> of 5.4–6.4 A/m. The BMGs possess high yield strength of 3978–4152 MPa with distinct plastic strain of up to 0.9% and Vickers hardness of 1218–1233 as well. The possible mechanisms of Y and Fe affecting the GFA, thermal stability, and magnetic properties of the Co-based Co–Fe–Y–B metallic glasses have been discussed.</p>
materials science, multidisciplinary,chemistry, physical,metallurgy & metallurgical engineering
Role of Fe substitution for Co on thermal stability and glass-forming ability of soft magnetic Co-based Co-Fe-B-P-C metallic glasses
Junpeng Ren,Yanhui Li,Xiaoyu Liang,Hidemi Kato,Wei Zhang
IF: 4.075
Abstract:Soft magnetic Co-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with large supercooled liquid region (ΔTx) of 47 K and high saturation magnetic flux density (Bs) up to 1.21 T have been developed in a new Co-Fe-B-P-C alloy system without early transition metal and rare earth elements. Substitution of Co by 10–35 at.% Fe in a Co75B10P7.5C7.5 alloy promotes the occurrence of glass transition and enhances the stability of supercooled liquid and glass-forming ability (GFA). The ΔTx of 37–47 K and a critical sample diameter up to 1.2 mm can be achieved for Co40–55Fe20–35B10P7.5C7.5 BMGs. The improved thermal stability and GFA are attributed to complicated primary crystallization phases and stabilized alloy melts, respectively. The addition of Fe enhances the Bs of the Co-based BMGs from 0.79 to 1.21 T, and increases coercivity from 1.1 to 7.2 A/m. The Co-based BMGs also exhibit high yield strength of 3243–3665 MPa with plastic strain up to 2.3% and low viscosity of around 3.0 × 109 Pa·s in the supercooled liquid state.
materials science, multidisciplinary,chemistry, physical,metallurgy & metallurgical engineering
Effect of partial substitution of Cr with Co on the properties of Fe35Ni20Cr20-xCoxMo5P12C4B4 high-entropy bulk metallic glasses
W.P. Zeng,Y.H. Chen,J.K. Ye
IF: 4.458
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Abstract:Novel Fe35Ni20Cr20-xCoxMo5P12C4B4 (x = 0, 4,8, 12, 16 in at.%, denoted as Cr20-xCoxMo5) high-entropy bulk metallic glasses (HE-BMGs) with excellent comprehensive performance were successfully fabricated using Fluxing and J-quenching methods. The focus was on studying the influences of different Co content on the glass-forming ability (GFA), mechanical performances, magnetic properties, and anti-corrosion performance. It was found that adding an appropriate amount of Co to replace Cr in Cr20-xCoxMo5 alloys can improve GFA. The Cr12Co8Mo5 specimen displays the maximum critical diameter of 3.5 mm and maximum super-cooled liquid phase of 51 K. The compression tests show that the plasticity was enhanced from 0.2 % for the Co-free alloy to 2.5 % for the 12 at.% Co-added alloy. The saturation magnetization (J s) of Cr20-xCoxMo5 alloys gradually increased from 0.04 to 0.68 T with the increase of Co. Electrochemical tests indicate that in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution at room-temperature (RT), the anti-corrosion performance of Cr20-xCoxMo5 alloys expresses a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with the increase of Co, and all samples show a remarkably higher anti-corrosion performance than 316 L and 304 L stainless steel. The Cr16Co4Mo5 sample exhibits the highest anti-corrosion performance with the self-corrosion current density (I corr) and the self-corrosion potential (E corr) are 9.5 × 10−9 A/cm2 and -0.270 V, respectively. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the Cr16Co4Mo5 shows that there is a higher content of metal kation oxides of Fe2+, Cr3+ and Mo4+ in the passive films compared to Cr20Mo5 and Cr4Co16Mo5. It is indicated that the Cr16Co4Mo5 specimen has the optimal corrosion resistance in this current research. The present HE-BMGs have high GFA, high plastic strain,and excellent anti-corrosion performance, which have potential application value in the engineering field.
materials science, multidisciplinary, ceramics
Development of novel Fe-based bulk metallic glasses with excellent wear and corrosion resistance by adjusting the Cr and Mo contents
Chengwu Zhang,Qiang Li,Lei Xie,Guan Zhang,Baoxia Mu,Chuntao Chang,Hongxiang Li,Xu Ma
IF: 4.075
Abstract:In this work, a series of novel Fe 80–x–y Cr x Mo y P 10 C 7 B 3 (x = 0, y = 0; x = 0, y = 4; x = 5, y = 4; x = 15, y = 4; x = 20, y = 4; x = 15, y = 8 in at.%; denoted as Cr x Mo y ) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with critical diameters in the range 1.0–2.5 mm were fabricated. The effect of Cr and Mo contents on the glass forming ability (GFA), thermal stability, mechanical properties, corrosion behavior, and wear performance of the these Fe-based BMGs were systematically investigated. A partial substitution of Fe by Cr and Mo was found to enhance the GFA of the Fe-based BMGs. The sample Cr 15 Mo 4 exhibited the maximum critical diameter (2.5 mm), maximum temperature range of the supercooled liquid phase (55 K), and highest activation energy for the primary crystallization process (184 kJ·mol −1 ). Uniaxial compression and microhardness tests revealed that the compressive strength and Vickers microhardness of the Fe-based BMGs were in the range 3.0–3.7 GPa and 794–958 HV 0.1 , respectively, and increased with increasing Cr/Mo content. Electrochemical tests in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution showed that the Fe-based BMGs exhibited a significantly higher corrosion resistance than 316L stainless steel (316L SS) and 304L stainless steel (304L SS). The corrosion resistance of the Fe-based BMGs generally improved with increasing Cr/Mo content. The sample Cr 15 Mo 4 exhibited the highest corrosion resistance with a self-corrosion and passivation current density ∼10 −8 A·cm −2 and ∼10 −6 A·cm −2 , respectively. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the samples revealed that compared to Cr 15 Mo 4 , there was a higher proportion of defective high-valence metal cation (Fe 3+ , Cr 6+ , and Mo 6+ ) oxides and a lower proportion of stable low-valence metal cation (Fe 2+ , Cr 3+ , and Mo 4+ ) oxides in the passive films of Cr 20 Mo 4 and Cr 15 Mo 8 . This explains the reason why adding more than 15 at.% Cr and 4 at.% Mo degrades the corrosion resistance of the Fe-based BMGs. The dry sliding wear test demonstrated that the Fe-based BMGs exhibited significantly better wear performance than 316L SS and 304L SS. The wear rate and coefficient of friction of the Fe-based BMGs decreased with increasing Cr/Mo content. The sample Cr 15 Mo 8 exhibited the lowest wear rate and coefficient of friction of 0.98 × 10 −5 mm 3 ·N −1 ·m −1 and 0.38, respectively. The Fe-based BMGs synthesized in this work, especially Fe 61 Cr 15 Mo 4 P 10 C 7 B 3 , exhibited a high GFA and excellent corrosion and wear resistance. Therefore, they have immense potential for various engineering applications.
materials science, multidisciplinary,chemistry, physical,metallurgy & metallurgical engineering
Effects of Co Substitution for Fe on the Glass Forming Ability and Properties of Fe80P13C7 Bulk Metallic Glasses
Kai Xu,Haibo Ling,Qiang Li,Jinfeng Li,Kefu Yao,Shengfeng Guo
IF: 4.075
Abstract:Bulk magnetic Fe(80-x)C0(x)P(13)C(7) (x = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 at.%) glassy alloy rods were prepared by the combination method of fluxing treatment and J-quenching technique, and the attainable maximum diameter for fully glass formation gets to 2.5 mm for x = 5. The effects of Co substitution for Fe on the glass formation ability (GFA), thermal stability, mechanical properties and magnetic properties have been investigated systematically. It was found that the partially substitution of Co for Fe can enhance the GFA of Fe80P13C7 alloy, while excessive substitution will lead to the degradation of GFA. The compressive test shows that the substitution of Co for Fe results in the decease of fracture strength, and then significantly enhance the room temperature plastic strain of the present Fe-based BMGs, which can be identified that the plastic strain at room temperature gets to 2.5% and 3.0% for x = 5 and 10, respectively. The saturation magnetization of Fe80-xCoxP13C7 (x = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 at.%) BMGs firstly increases from 1.477 T to 1.550 T with increasing Co content from x = 0 to 5, and then deceases from 1.549 T to 1.519 T with increasing Co content from x = 5 to 20. The Curie temperature of the present FeCoPC BMGs quickly increases with the substitution of Co for Fe. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Effect of partial substitution of Cr with Co on glass forming ability, mechanical and magnetic properties in Fe48Mo14Cr15-xCoxB6P8Si7Y2 bulk metallic glasses
Cosmin Codrean,Dragoş Buzdugan,Mircea Vodă,Viorel Aurel Şerban,Alberto Pertuz-Comas
Revista UIS Ingenierías
Abstract:Fe-based BMGs are well known for its attractive combination of structural, magnetic and corrosion properties. These alloys are widely used in industry because of low price and good glass forming ability (GFA). In this paper, the effect of partial substitution of Cr with Co on GFA, mechanical and magnetic properties of Fe48Mo14Cr15-xCoxB6P8Si7Y2 bulk metallic glasses was studied. The samples were prepared by copper mold casting technique in rod form. The elaborated alloys were structurally investigated by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), while the mechanical properties were investigated by compressive and nanoindentation tests. Also, the magnetic properties were investigated. The GFA was estimated by several criterion or parameters (reduced transition temperature Trg, ΔTx, α, β, γ and δ parameters). It was found that the addition of Co instead of Cr leads to a slight increase of the glass forming ability of Fe-Mo-Cr-B-P-Si-Y family. Also, an increase in magnetic properties, hardness, elastic modulus and compressive strength has been noted.
Are There Two Glass Transitions in Fe–M–Y–B (M = Mo, W, Nb) Bulk Metallic Glasses?
X. M. Huang,X. D. Wang,Y. He,Q. P. Cao,J. Z. Jiang
IF: 6.2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Abstract:In this work, quaternary Fe72−xMxY6B22 (M=Ni, Co and Mo) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have been developed. It is found that a fully amorphous Fe68Mo4Y6B22 cylindrical rod with 6.5mm in diameter can be prepared by copper mold injection. These alloys have a high glass transition temperature of about 900K with high fracture strengths up to about 3GPa although they are still brittle. Magnetic measurements reveal that they are ferromagnetic at ambient temperature with low coercive force of about 2A/m, saturation magnetization of about 0.7T and effective permeability of about 7000 at 100kHz. The newly developed Fe-based quaternary alloys exhibit excellent combination properties: superior glass forming ability (GFA), high glass transition temperature, and soft magnetic properties, which could have potential applications in electronic industries. Furthermore, the effect of Mo addition on GFA in the Fe–Y–B BMG system has been discussed compared with those of Ni and Co additions.
Glass forming ability, mechanical and magnetic properties in Fe–W–Y–B alloys
X.M. Huang,C.T. Chang,Z.Y. Chang,A. Inoue,J.Z. Jiang
Abstract:Glass forming ability (GFA), mechanical and magnetic properties of Fe72WxY6−xB22 (x=0, 1, 2 and 3at.%) and Fe72−xWxY6B22 (x=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6at.%) alloys have been experimentally investigated. It is found that fully amorphous Fe69W3Y6B22 and Fe68W4Y6B22 cylindrical rods with 4mm in diameter can be prepared by using copper mold casting. The newly developed Fe-based quaternary alloys exhibit excellent combination properties: good GFA, high onset crystallization temperature of 970K, high fracture strength of about 4GPa, Vickers hardness of about 1000kg/mm2, and good soft magnetic properties at ambient temperature (saturation magnetization of about 0.8T and coercive force of below 2A/m), which show potential applications in electronic industries. The effect of W addition on GFA in the Fe–Y–B alloy system is discussed.
The Effect of Co Addition on Glassy Forming Ability and Soft Magnetic Properties of Fe-Si-B-P Bulk Metallic Glass
Xue Li,Yan Zhang,Hidemi Kato,Akihiro Makino,Akihisa Inoue
Key Engineering Materials
Abstract:We Successfully Prepared the Rod Glassy Samples of (Fe 1-x Co x ) 76 Si 9 B 10 P 5 ( x = 0~0.4) Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) with the Diameters up to 3.0 mm by Substituting Fe for a Small Amount of Co Element. A Certain Amount of Co Substitution for Fe Contributes to the Increase of the Glass-Forming Ability (GFA) while Maintaining Good Mechanical Properties (the Fracture Strength up to 3700 MPa). This Co-Added Ferromagnetic Bulk Glassy Alloy System Also Exhibits a Higher Saturation Magnetization of 1.49 T and Lower Coercive Force ( H c , 1.2 A/m). The Fe-Based BMGs with Alloying a Small Amount of Co Element Demonstrate Excellent Combination of High GFA, Good Soft-Magnetic Properties as Well as High Strength.
Effects of Mo on the Glass Forming Ability and Properties of Fe-B-C-P-Si-Mo Bulk Metallic Glasses
Ranbin Wang,Lingxiang Shi,You Wu,Jili Jia,Yang Shao,Kefu Yao
IF: 4.458
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Abstract:Fe76−xB7C7P7Si3Mox (x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were designed and successfully prepared. The effects of Mo content on the glass forming ability (GFA), thermal stability, crystallization behavior, soft magnetic properties, and mechanical properties have been investigated. It was found that the appropriate replacement of Fe by Mo could improve the GFA of the Fe-based alloys, and the critical size could reach 2.5 mm for the alloy with 3 at.% Mo. The crystallization behavior of glassy alloys indicates that the competition between the metastable phase and α-Fe, Fe3(B, P) phases results in the change of GFA. Furthermore, the metallic glasses possess superior comprehensive properties with high saturation magnetization of 1.04–1.50 T, low coercivity of 0.9–3.5 A/m, high fracture strength of 3240–3565 MPa, and improved plasticity up to 0.9–1.5 %.
Effects of B/P and Co/Fe substitutions on glass-forming ability and soft magnetic properties of a Fe80P13C7 metallic glass
Xinyu Duan,Shuaiwei Ju,Yanhui Li,Zhengwang Zhu,Haifeng Zhang,Wei Zhang
IF: 4.458
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Abstract:New soft magnetic Fe-based Fe–Co–P–B–C bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with the highest saturation magnetic flux density (B s) up to 1.68 T among current Fe-based BMGs have been developed. Initial replacement of P by 2–6 at.% B enhances the thermal stability, glass-forming ability (GFA), and soft magnetic properties of a Fe80P13C7 alloy. A Fe80P9B4C7 BMG with a supercooled liquid region of 38 K, B s of 1.63 T, and coercivity (H c) of 0.9 A/m has been obtained by copper mold casting. Substitution of Fe by 5–10 at.% Co in the Fe80P9B4C7 alloy further enhances the GFA and B s, but leads to a moderate increase in H c. A critical sample diameter of 1.5 mm, B s of 1.68 T, and H c of 6.2 A/m can be achieved for a Fe70Co10P9B4C7 BMG. The improvement of the GFA is attributed to the enhanced stability of alloy melts achieved by similar B/P and Co/Fe substitution.
materials science, multidisciplinary, ceramics
Unveiling the role of Y content in glass-forming ability and soft magnetic properties of Co-Y-B metallic glasses by experiment and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
Shuang Ma,Yuzhu Ran,Xinyu Liang,Li Jiang,Yanhui Li,Xudong Wang,Man Yao,Wei Zhang
IF: 6.2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Abstract:The effects of Y content on glass-forming ability (GFA) and soft magnetic properties of Co75-x Y x B25 (x = 0, 3.5, 5) metallic glasses (MGs) were investigated by experiment and ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations, and the relationship between local atomic structures and properties was discussed. The GFA and magnetic softness of Co75B25 alloy are improved by 3.5 at.% Y addition in our experiment. By calculating the local atomic structures (pair distribution function, coordination numbers, chemical short-range order, Voronoi polyhedron, structure factor, and the ratio of voids), dynamic behavior, electronic structure, magnetic moment, and magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE), we have found that the local atomic structures of Co-Y-B MGs are dominated by the B-centered prism units, and Y plays a vital role in the formation of the densely packed structures. In particular, the strongest chemical affinity of B-B, Co-Y, and B-Y pairs in Co71.5Y3.5B25 alloy is the critical factor for enhancing GFA and magnetic softness, which improves the degree of atomic packing in the first shell, the viscosity of supercooling melts, the stability of the local atomic structures, and reduces the MAE of the system. However, the excessive addition of Y (5 at.%) leads to a reduction of the GFA and magnetic softness, which may contribute to the highest fraction of deformed body-centered cubic (bcc) structures and the largest size of the medium-range order (MRO) structure in Co70Y5B25 alloy. This study shows a valuable perspective to understand the correlation between local atomic structures and properties of Co-based MGs, and also provides ideas for designing high-performance soft-magnetic MGs.
materials science, multidisciplinary,chemistry, physical,metallurgy & metallurgical engineering
Investigation of glass forming ability, crystallization behavior, and soft magnetic properties of Fe–B–P–C–Cu alloy ribbons
Yuluo Li,Ningning Shen,Li Chen,Kuang Lv,Xidong Hui
IF: 4.075
Abstract:The effect of Cu content on GFA, crystallization behavior, and soft magnetic properties in high P Fe84+xB6P6C3Cu1−x (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 1.0 at. %) alloy ribbons were systematically investigated to balance the relationship between glass forming ability (GFA), heat treatment window, and soft magnetic properties of high saturation magnetic flux density (Bs) Fe-based nanocrystalline alloys. It was discovered that lowering Cu promotes the formation of an amorphous structure. The GFA of alloys rises from 23 μm for Fe84B6P6C3Cu1 to 29 μm for Fe84.4B6P6C3Cu0.6. Analysis of thermal physical properties shows that when Cu content is between 1.0 at. % and 0.6 at. %, reducing Cu in the alloys does not affect the onset temperature of the first crystallization peak (Tx1), the second one (Tx2), and ΔT (ΔT = Tx2 − Tx1), whereas when Cu content is less than 0.6 at. %, reducing Cu leads to an increase in Tx1 and a decrease in Tx2 and ΔT, which is not conducive to obtaining a wide temperature range of precipitation of a single α-Fe phase. The alloys have a wide range of crystallization annealing temperature (693–753 K) and annealing time (60–6 min) to obtain a low coercivity (Hc) of about 8.0 A/m, high Bs of about 1.80 T, and high effective magnetic permeability (μe) of about 10000 when Cu is between 1.0 at. % and 0.6 at. %. The Bs, Hc, and μe of Fe84.4B6P6C3Cu0.6 alloy annealed at 723 K for 30 min are 1.82 T, 8.1 A/m, and 10820, respectively.
materials science, multidisciplinary,chemistry, physical,metallurgy & metallurgical engineering
Effects and mechanisms of Nb and Fe additions on glass-forming ability and magnetic properties of a Co71.5Gd3.5B25 metallic glass
Junyu Zhang,Shuang Ma,Hao Wang,Takeshi Kubota,Yanhui Li,Hidemi Kato,Rie Y. Umetsu,Man Yao,Wei Zhang
IF: 6.2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Abstract:Aiming to unraveling the effects and mechanisms of Nb and Fe additions on glass-forming ability (GFA) and magnetic properties, especially coercivity (H c) on Co-based metallic glasses, 2–4 at% Nb and/or 7.15–28.6 at% Fe have been alloyed into a Co71.5Gd3.5B25 alloy by substitution of Co. The results show that alloying either Nb or Fe into the base alloy leads to enhanced stability of supercooled liquid and GFA, and bulk metallic glass (BMG) can be formed for the alloy with 4 at% Nb or 28.6 at% Fe. Combined addition of Nb and Fe further improves the thermal stability and GFA, and lowers viscosity in supercooled liquid state. A (Co0.6Fe0.4)67.5Gd3.5Nb4B25 BMG possess a wide supercooled liquid region (ΔT x) of 85 K, critical sample diameter of 3.0 mm, and minimum viscosity coefficient of 2 × 108 Pa∙s. The enrichment of Fe increases saturation magnetic flux density (B s), H c, and saturation magnetostriction coefficient (λ s) of the (Co, Fe)-Gd-B-(Nb) metallic glasses; the addition of Nb effectively inhibits the deterioration of magnetic softness caused by Fe while reducing the B s. The (Co0.6–0.9Fe0.1–0.4)67.5Gd3.5Nb4B25 BMGs possess good soft magnetic properties with the B s and H c ranging 0.43–0.69 T and 2.3–5.0 A/m, respectively. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations indicated that alloying Fe into the Co-based metallic glasses leads to enhanced magnetic anisotropy energy. The increased magnetic anisotropy arising from enlarged λ s results in the increased H c. The combination of high GFA, large ΔT x, low viscosity, and good soft magnetic properties makes the Co-based Co-Fe-Gd-Nb-B BMGs highly promising for applications as micro electromagnetic devices produced through thermoplastic forming.
materials science, multidisciplinary,chemistry, physical,metallurgy & metallurgical engineering
Liquid state properties and amorphous solidification kinetics of multicomponent Fe_{50-x}Co_{x}Cr_{14}Mo_{14}C_{9}B_{8}Tm_{5} alloys investigated under containerless processing conditions
X L Mi,L Hu,Z X Wan,B W Wu,B Wei
Abstract:The liquid state thermophysical properties and amorphous solidification kinetics of Fe_{50-x}Co_{x}Cr_{14}Mo_{14}C_{9}B_{8}Tm_{5} (x=10, 15, 20, and 25) alloys were explored by electromagnetic and electrostatic levitation techniques. It was found that the surface tension of liquid alloys with Fe contents below 30 at. % had a strong temperature dependence. The high surface tension led to a sharp increase in the interfacial free-energy penalty. A high nucleation barrier was formed inside the melt, which greatly inhibited the nucleation rate. The liquid viscosity revealed the strong liquid feature of this alloy series, which became the dominant kinetic factor determining their solidification mechanisms. The high viscosity hindered atomic diffusion and delayed nucleation. The long crystallizing incubation time of Fe_{30}Co_{20}Cr_{14}Mo_{14}C_{9}B_{8}Tm_{5} ensured a strong glass-forming ability and a low critical cooling rate of 2.11×10^{3}Ks^{-1}. As a result, a bulk metallic glass rod with an 8-mm diameter was successfully prepared by a convenient casting procedure. This rod could remain in a glassy state at a higher temperature and over a wider temperature range due to its high glass-transition temperature and large undercooled liquid region. The apparent activation energy for nucleation was derived as 463.8 kJmol^{-1} according to the nonisothermal crystallization kinetics, indicating that the bulk metallic glass had to absorb a large amount of energy to overcome the potential barriers before nucleation and thus exhibited excellent thermal stability.
Effect of Nb Addition on the Glass-Forming Ability, Soft-Magnetic Properties and Mechanical Properties of CoFeNiBSiNb Bulk Glassy Alloys
Ya Qiang Dong,Qi Kui Man,Bao Long Shen
Materials Science Forum
Abstract:The effect of Nb addition on the glass-forming ability (GFA), soft-magnetic properties and mechanical properties of [(Co 0.65 Fe 0.35 ) 0.9 Ni 0.1 ] 73- x B 21.9 Si 5.1 Nb x ( x =36) alloy system were investigated. The results showed that by adjusting the content of Nb, the thermal stability of the supercooled liquid and the GFA increased effectively. With increasing the amount of Nb, the supercooled liquid region (Δ T x ) increased from 45 to 65 K and the reduced glass transition temperature ( T rg = T g / T l ) was located in the range of 0.5840.644. As a result, the [(Co 0.65 Fe 0.35 ) 0.9 Ni 0.1 ] 73- x B 21.9 Si 5.1 Nb x bulk glassy alloys (BGAs) with diameters up to 5.0 mm were produced by copper mold casting. In addition to the high GFA, the Co-based glassy alloys exhibited excellent soft-magnetic properties, i.e., saturation magnetization of 0.530.81 T, low coercive force of 0.511.75 A/m, and high effective permeability of (1.522.53)×10 4 at 1 kHz under a field of 1 A/m. Besides, the Co-based BGAs also exhibited super high fracture strength of 42704490 MPa and vickers hardness of 11271182.