Divisibility among power matrices associated with multiplicative functions
Siao A. Hong,Guangyan Y. Zhu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2024.2311257
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Abstract:Let a , b and n be positive integers and let S={x1,‚Ķ,xn} be a set of n distinct positive integers. For x‚ąąS , one defines GS(x)={y‚ąąS:y . For any arithmetic function f and any positive integer x , we define the power arithmetic function fa by fa(x)=(f(x))a . We denote by (fa[S]) the n√ón power matrix having fa evaluated at the least common multiple of xi and xj as its (i,j) -entry. Denote by lcm(S) the least common multiple of all the elements of S and by |T| the number of elements of any finite set T . In this paper, we show that if a|b , S is gcd closed (i.e. gcd(xi,xj)‚ąąS for all integers i and j with 1‚ȧi,j‚ȧn ) with maxx‚ąąS{|GS(x)|}=1 and f is a multiplicative function such that (fa]S]) is nonsingular and (f‚ąóőľ)(d)‚ąąZ whenever d|lcm(S) and f(y)|f(x) whenever y|x and y,x‚ąąS , where f‚ąóőľ is the Dirichlet convolution of f and the M√∂bius function őľ , then the a th power matrix (fa[S]) divides the b th power matrix (fb[S]) in the ring of n√ón matrices over the integers. Our result extend a theorem of S.F. Hong [Divisibility properties of power GCD matrices and power LCM matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 2008;428:1001‚Äď1008] and that of G.Y. Zhu and M. Li [On the divisibility among power LCM matrices on gcd-closed sets. Bull Aust Math Soc. 2023;107:31‚Äď39].