Compromise and Resistance of Cultural Identity in the Globalization of Culture:An Analysis of the Issue of President Bush's Speech in Tsinghua University
Abstract:The main purpose of this essay is to probe into how every nation gains recognition while remaining its own cultural identity during globalization of culture. Where does drive of recognition come from? How nation's cultural identity makes compromise and resistance when recognition comes? US President Bush's speech in Tsinghua University was taken as case for study. The essay is theoretically based on Stuart Hall's theory on recognition of cultural identity. He believed that cultural identity could be interpreted from two standpoints: (1) It is defined as common culture, a self hiding among many other selves that are shallower or reinforced by others. People who share same history and ancestors share this kind of self. (2) There exist some profound and important differences (besides) many similarities, which constitute real and present us. In this sense cultural identity is problem of existence and change.Hall pointed out three relations of according to second standpoint and explained this through rethinking about orientation and re-orientation of Caribbean's identity. These three (presences) are presence of Africa, presence of Europe and vaguest presence-presence of America. The third presence, presence of America, is called the new world which itself is beginning of diversity, (mixing) and differentia. The new recognition is process of affirming Caribbean's cultural identity, including processes of continuously producing and (reproducing) reformation and differences of African identity, European identity and American identity to renew their identities. Hall considered cultural identity as changing (process.) President Bush's speech is thought as third presence made up of three core parts: speaking itself; dialogues between Bush and students of Tsinghua University; concern media on China's mainland show for students who put questions to Bush and questions themselves. The three parts showed (establishment) and routes of exchange and communication between two different cultural identities - U.S.A and China. Every person presented inevitably set up prerequisite for his own cultural advantage. However, he (also) sought possibilities of understanding as well as exchanging with others and of appreciating each other. (Differentia) and reformation went side by side. The important discovery of this essay lies in that present tense of third presence provides new temptation (the other two presences being past tense). In addition, essay gives particular stress on recognition of students with Chinese cultural identity, so it finds that in developing countries sliding form of people with different cultural identities is more (complicated) under temptation of economic globalization. Thirdly, essay finds that presence of (different) cultures, similar to that of many cultures in (individual) identity, led to reform and sliding of (differentia). Compromise produces new differences by recognition. In terms of global culture, new differences face recognition instead of going back to beginning. Reform is carried out and experience gained in third presence.