A Degree Condition for Graphs to Have Connected (G, F)-Factors

S. Zhou,H. Liu,Y. Xu
Abstract:Let G be a graph of order n, a and b be integers with 1 a < b and b 3, g(x) and f(x) be two integer-valued functions defined on V (G) such that a g(x) < f(x) b, for each x 2 V (G) and f(V (G)) V (G) even. We prove that G has a connected (g,f)- factor if the minimum degree (G) satisfies (G) (b 1)n a+b 1 and n (a+b 1) 2 +1 a . We consider only finite undirected graphs without loops and multiple edges. Let G be a graph. We denote by V (G) and E(G), the set of vertices and the set of edges, respectively. For a vertex x 2 V (G), we write NG(x) for the set of vertices adjacent to x in G, NG(x) for NG(x) ( {x}, and dG(x) = |NG(x)| for the degree of x in G. The minimum degree of vertices in G is denoted by (G). Let S and T be disjoint subsets of V (G). We denote by eG(S,T), the number of edges joining S and T. For a subset S V (G), we denote by G S, the subgraph obtained from G by deleting the vertices in S together with the edges incident to the vertices in S.
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