Lattice constants and magnetism of L10-ordered FePt under high pressure
S. Sawada,K. Okai,H. Fukui,R. Takahashi,N. Ishimatsu,H. Maruyama,N. Kawamura,S. Kawaguchi,N. Hirao,T. Seki,K. Takanashi,S. Ohmura,H. Wadati
Abstract:We studied the relationship between the lattice constant and magnetism of L10-ordered FePt under high pressure by means of first-principles calculations and synchrotron x-ray measurements. Based on our calculations, we found that the c/a ratio shows an anomaly at ~ 20 GPa and that the Pt magnetic moment is sharply suppressed at ~ 60 GPa. As for the c/a, we experimentally verified the anomaly at ~ 20 GPa by powder x-ray diffraction. We also measured the x-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Pt L edge up to ~ 20 GPa. Any significant change of the Pt magnetic moment was not observed, in agreement with the calculations. These results thus indicate the possibility that novel magnetic states can be created in L10-ordered FePt by lattice deformation under high pressure.
Materials Science