Lanyi Xu,Fa-Shen Li,Youlian Hong
Abstract:The objective of this study was to extract the indices of muscle fatigue from surface electromyographic signal sEMG. Five male subjects participated in the study. . The sEMG of biceps and triceps was measured when subjects performed consecutive right elbow flexion and extension at the required contraction levels until the contraction levels could no longer be maintained. The significant findings of this particular study are that the difference of the mean frequency of sEMG between non-fatigued and fatigued muscle increases with the speed of contraction. This phenomenon has potential for further study. INTRODUCTION: For some considerable time, use of the surface electromyographic signal (sEMG) has been a technique to determine levels of muscle activation and fatigue. It has been found that the mean amplitude of sEMG increases and the mean frequency decreases, as muscle becomes fatigued under isometric voluntary contraction (DeVries, 1968; Patrofsky, 1982). However, study of the features of sEMG under dynamic contraction (i.e. non-isometric and non-constant force contracting) is relatively rare (Potvin, 1997). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to extract the indices of muscle fatigue from sEMG. However, the dynamic contraction is often involved in actual situations, especially in the study of sport science. The characteristics of sEMG under dynamic contraction are different from those of isometric contractions. In the case of a dynamic contraction, the sEMG is non-stationary, while during isometric contraction, it is stationary. Furthermore, the amplitude of sEMG is dependent primarily on three factors. They are the contracting levels, the subject's skin impedance and finally, contracting speed. Therefore there is some hesitation in judging whether or not the muscle is fatigued if only the amplitude was used as an indicator of fatigue. To avoid this ambiguity, the inherent disadvantage of amplitude analysis, spectral analysis (i.e. the frequency component analysis) was utilized in this study. The data obtained through this research would have great potential for application in the study of sport science. METHODS: The subjects selected for this study included five male subjects aged 20±2 years. Each subject took the same protocol three times with one-hour rest between two consecutive tests. The subject was required to sit on the measurement chair of KIN-COM machine. At the commencement of the test, the right arm of the subject was positioned on the dynamometer for contracting force measurement with forearm horizontally. The angle between the forearm and upper arm was 110° . The subject performed Concentric/Concentric contraction of elbow at required speed (isokinetic) and torque (isotonic) levels. The sEMG of biceps and triceps was measured with 3M Red-Dot Ag/AgCl 2 electrodes with differential connection mode. The signal was then amplified and A/D converted (sampling rate 2,000/sec, with CODAS data acquisition card) into digital form to be stored in computer hard disk for analysis. The subjects were asked to perform consecutive right elbow flexion and extension at the required contraction levels until the contraction levels could no longer be maintained. Since the sEMG under the dynamic contraction is non-stationary, it was divided into five consecutive segments for each contraction. In each segment, the sEMG can be considered to be a quasi-stationary signal, so that the traditional method for stationary random signal analysis can be applied for spectral estimation. The stationary length of the sEMG in one segment can be measured with Run-test (Bendat, et. al., 1971), with a level of significance of