NiZn Ferrite Thin Films Prepared By FTS
Zhenghong Qian,Geng Wang,Sivertsen, J.M.,Judy, J.H.
Abstract:Zhenghong Qian, Geng Wang, John M. Sivertsen and *Jack H. Judy The Center for Micromagnetics and Information Technologies(MINT) Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science *Department of Electrical Engineering University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN55455, USA Intmduction Nizn fenite thin films have a promising potential as high performance microwave devices owing to their high resistivity, mechanical hardness, high Curie temperature, chemical stability, and soft magnetic properties at high frequency. Generally NiZn ferrite films are prepared by Pulsed Laser Depositio~l]. Sputtered film growth usually requires a postdeposition heat treatment to develop the spinel ferrite structure[2]. But by using FTS. MgZn femte thin film with the spinel femte structure was obtained at temperatures above 400°C by M.Matsuoka et al.[3]. In this study, NiZn fenite thin l ihs with spinel ferrite structure have been reproducibly prepared at a relatively low temperature of about 300°C by usiing ETS technique. The sputtering condition is optimized, and 4OOOA Nizn ferrite film with in-plane low coercivity while maintaining relatively high saturation moment have been successfully made. Exoeriment Nizn ferrite thin & were deposited on cover glass in a mixture of 0 2 and Ar at total pressure of 0.5mT by means of FTS technique. The base pressure was 6x10.' or lower. All films were deposited at an average rate of 1.6 &s to a thickness of 4 W A . In this study, crystallographic characteristics of the films were investigated by XRD. The film thickness was measured by DEKTAC, and confirmed by SEM cross section. The coercivity Hc and saturation moment density were determined by means of VSM. Results and Discussion A. crystallographc Characteristics Fig. l(a),(b),(c) show the x-ray diffraction patterns of 4000A thick Nizn ferrite films deposited on glass substrates with different Pqjp ratio of 8% , 12% , 16% respectively at a temperature of about 300°C. Fig l(a) shows the thin fihn has a spinel femte structure, and the diffraction peaks aredominated by peaks (111) and (311). As po2/p ratio increases as shown in figl(b), (111) peak disappears, and NiZn ferrite exhibits (31 1) preferred orientation. As P@/P ratio becomes high enough, as shown in Figl(c), (311) peak also disappears, and NiZn ferrite film shows amoIphous texture. Recently P. Samaraseka et al. investigated textures of Ni ferrite films on ditkent substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition[4], but didn't mention the P@/P ratio( or 0 2 mal pressure) on the influence of texture of Ni ferrite film. Bj. Magnetic i%operties The sjmttaing condition affects magnetic properties, especially Hc and Ms. Fig.2(a),(b) show temperatun? dependem of in-plane Hc and saturation momnt density Ms with different pqlp ratios. It's shown that Ms increases and Hc decreases with temperature. Fig.3(a),(b) show relation of FOJP ratio with the values of in-plane Hc and Ms at a temperature of about 300'C.