Simulation of Anisotropic Chemical Etching of Single Crystalline Silicon using Cellular-Automata
J. Korvink,N. Baba,O. Tabata,T. Kakinaga,Y. Isono,K. H. Ehrmann
Abstract:We propose a new concept for anisotropic single crystalline silicon (Si) etching simulation. Our approach combines three calculation modules, a molecular dynamics calculation module to define chemical reaction probability, a Cellular-Automaton module to calculate etching rate, and a Wulff-Jaccodine graphical method module to predict an etched shape. This configuration allows mm scale process simulation based on atomic scale physical chemistry of anisotropic Si etching. In this paper, the performance of a newly developed Cellular-Automata module, called CAES (Cellular-Automata Etching simulator), is presented as a first step towards the realization of our simulation concept.
Chemistry,Engineering,Computer Science,Materials Science