The CUORE Bolometric Detector for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Searches
L. Cassina,C. Alduino,K. Alfonso,D. R. Artusa,F. T. Avignone,O. Azzolini,G. Bari,F. Bellini,G. Benato,A. Bersani,M. Biassoni,A. Branca,C. Brofferio,C. Bucci,A. Camacho,A. Caminata,L. Canonica,X. G. Cao,S. Capelli,L. Cappelli,L. Cardani,Paolo Carniti,N. Casali,D. Chiesa,N. Chott,M. Clemenza,S. Copello,C. Cosmelli,O. Cremonesi,R. J. Creswick,J. S. Cushman,D. d'Aguanno,I. Dafinei,C. J. Davis,S. Dell’Oro,M. M. Deninno,S. Di Domizio,M. L. di Vacri,A. Drobizhev,D. Q. Fang,M. Faverzani,E. Ferri,F. Ferroni,E. Fiorini,A. Franceschi,S. J. Freedman,B. K. Fujikawa,A. Giachero,L. Gironi,A. Giuliani,L. Gladstone,P. Gorla,C. Gotti,T. D. Gutierrez,K. Han,K. M. Heeger,R. Hennings‐Yeomans,H. Z. Huang,G. Keppel,Yg Kolomensky,A. Leder,C. Ligi,K. E. Lim,Y.G. Ma,M. Maino,L. Marini,M. Martinez,R. Maruyama,Yuan Mei,N. Moggi,S. Morganti,P. Mosteiro,S. Nagorny,T. Napolitano,M. Nastasi,C. Nones,E. B. Norman,V. Novati,A. Nucciotti,T. O'Donnell,J. L. Ouellet,C. Pagliarone,M. Pallavicini,V. Palmieri,L. Pattavina,M. Pavan,G. Pessina,C. Pira,S Pirro,S. Pozzi,E. Previtali,C. Rosenfeld,C. Rusconi,Mitsuo Sakai,S. Sangiorgio,D. Santone,Benjamin Schmidt,Jonas Schmidt,N. D. Scielzo,V. Singh,M. Sisti,L. Taffarello,F. Terranova,C. Tomei,M. Vignati,S. L. Wagaarachchi,B. S. Wang,H.W. Wang,B. Welliver,J. R. Wilson,L. A. Winslow,T. Wise,A. Woodcraft,L. Zanotti,G. Q. Zhang,S. Zimmermann,S. Zucchelli
Abstract:The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment reaching the 1-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in 19 towers. The construction of the experiment and the installation of the detector was completed in August 2016. In this paper, the technical challenges of the construction, the design choices and measured performance of the electronic instrumentation are presented.