Studies of dijet transverse momentum balance and pseudorapidity distributions in pPb collisions at

CMS Collaboration cms-publication-committee-chair@ cern. ch, S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, M Dragicevic, J Erö, C Fabjan, M Friedl, R Frühwirth, VM Ghete, C Hartl, N Hörmann, J Hrubec, M Jeitler, W Kiesenhofer, V Knünz, M Krammer, I Krätschmer, D Liko, I Mikulec, D Rabady, B Rahbaran, H Rohringer, R Schöfbeck, J Strauss, A Taurok, W Treberer-Treberspurg, W Waltenberger, C -E Wulz, V Mossolov, N Shumeiko, J Suarez Gonzalez, S Alderweireldt, M Bansal, S Bansal, T Cornelis, EA De Wolf, X Janssen, A Knutsson, S Luyckx, L Mucibello, S Ochesanu, B Roland, R Rougny, H Van Haevermaet, P Van Mechelen, N Van Remortel, A Van Spilbeeck, F Blekman, S Blyweert, J D’Hondt, N Heracleous, A Kalogeropoulos, J Keaveney, TJ Kim, S Lowette, M Maes, A Olbrechts, D Strom, S Tavernier, W Van Doninck, P Van Mulders, GP Van Onsem, I Villella, C Caillol, B Clerbaux, G De Lentdecker, L Favart, APR Gay, A Léonard, PE Marage, A Mohammadi, L Perniè, T Reis, T Seva, L Thomas, C Vander Velde, P Vanlaer, J Wang, V Adler, K Beernaert, L Benucci, A Cimmino, S Costantini, S Dildick, G Garcia, B Klein, J Lellouch, J Mccartin, AA Ocampo Rios, D Ryckbosch, S Salva Diblen, M Sigamani, N Strobbe, F Thyssen, M Tytgat, S Walsh, E Yazgan, N Zaganidis, S Basegmez, C Beluffi, G Bruno, R Castello, A Caudron, L Ceard, GG Da Silveira, C Delaere, T Du Pree, D Favart, L Forthomme, A Giammanco, J Hollar, P Jez, M Komm, V Lemaitre, J Liao, O Militaru, C Nuttens, D Pagano, A Pin, K Piotrzkowski, A Popov, L Quertenmont, M Selvaggi, M Vidal Marono, JM Vizan Garcia, N Beliy, T Caebergs, E Daubie, GH Hammad, GA Alves, M Correa Martins Junior, T Martins, ME Pol, MHG Souza, WL Aldá Júnior, W Carvalho, J Chinellato, A Custodio, EM Da Costa, D De Jesus Damiao, C De Oliveira Martins, S Fonseca De Souza, H Malbouisson, M Malek, D Matos Figueiredo, L Mundim
Abstract:Dijet production has been measured in collisions at a nucleon–nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02. A data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 was collected using the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The dijet transverse momentum balance, azimuthal angle correlations, and pseudorapidity distributions are studied as a function of the transverse energy in the forward calorimeters (). For collisions, the dijet transverse momentum ratio and the width of the distribution of dijet azimuthal angle difference are comparable to the same quantities obtained from a simulated reference and insensitive to . In contrast, the mean value of the dijet pseudorapidity is found to change monotonically with increasing , indicating a correlation between the energy emitted at large pseudorapidity and the longitudinal motion of the dijet …
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