First measurement of large area jet transverse momentum spectra in heavy-ion collisions
Albert M Sirunyan, Armen Tumasyan, Wolfgang Adam, Federico Ambrogi, Thomas Bergauer, Marko Dragicevic, Janos Erö, Alberto Escalante Del Valle, Martin Flechl, Rudolf Fruehwirth, Manfred Jeitler, Natascha Krammer, Ilse Krätschmer, Dietrich Liko, Thomas Madlener, Ivan Mikulec, Navid Rad, Jochen Schieck, Robert Schöfbeck, Markus Spanring, Wolfgang Waltenberger, C-E Wulz, Mateusz Zarucki, Vladimir Drugakov, MR Darwish, EA De Wolf, D Di Croce, X Janssen, T Kello, A Lelek, M Pieters, H Rejeb Sfar, H Van Haevermaet, P Van Mechelen, S Van Putte, F Blekman, ES Bols, SS Chhibra, J D’Hondt, J De Clercq, D Lontkovskyi, S Lowette, I Marchesini, S Moortgat, Q Python, S Tavernier, W Van Doninck, P Van Mulders, D Beghin, B Bilin, B Clerbaux, G De Lentdecker, H Delannoy, B Dorney, L Favart, A Grebenyuk, AK Kalsi, L Moureaux, A Popov, N Postiau, E Starling, L Thomas, C Vander Velde, P Vanlaer, D Vannerom, T Cornelis, D Dobur, I Khvastunov, M Niedziela, C Roskas, K Skovpen, M Tytgat, W Verbeke, B Vermassen, M Vit, G Bruno, C Caputo, P David, C Delaere, M Delcourt, A Giammanco, V Lemaitre, J Prisciandaro, A Saggio, P Vischia, J Zobec, GA Alves, G Correia Silva, C Hensel, A Moraes, E Belchior Batista Das Chagas, W Carvalho, J Chinellato, E Coelho, EM Da Costa, GG Da Silveira, D De Jesus Damiao, C De Oliveira Martins, S Fonseca De Souza, H Malbouisson, J Martins, D Matos Figueiredo, M Medina Jaime, M Melo De Almeida, C Mora Herrera, L Mundim, H Nogima, WL Prado Da Silva, P Rebello Teles, LJ Sanchez Rosas, A Santoro, A Sznajder, M Thiel, EJ Tonelli Manganote, F Torres Da Silva De Araujo, A Vilela Pereira, CA Bernardes, L Calligaris, TR Fernandez Perez Tomei, EM Gregores, DS Lemos, PG Mercadante, SF Novaes, Sandra S Padula, A Aleksandrov, G Antchev, R Hadjiiska, P Iaydjiev, M Misheva, M Rodozov, M Shopova, G Sultanov, M Bonchev, A Dimitrov, T Ivanov, L Litov, B Pavlov, P Petkov, A Petrov, W Fang, X Gao, L Yuan, M Ahmad, Z Hu, Y Wang, GM Chen, HS Chen, M Chen, CH Jiang, D Leggat
Abstract:Jet production in lead-lead (PbPb) and proton-proton (pp) collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV is studied with the CMS detector at the LHC, using PbPb and pp data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 404 μb− 1 and 27.4 pb− 1, respectively. Jets with different areas are reconstructed using the anti-k T algorithm by varying the distance parameter R. The measurements are performed using jets with transverse momenta (p T) greater than 200 GeV and in a pseudorapidity range of| η|< 2. To reveal the medium modification of the jet spectra in PbPb collisions, the properly normalized ratio of spectra from PbPb and pp data is used to extract jet nuclear modification factors as functions of the PbPb collision centrality, p T and, for the first time, as a function of R up to 1.0. For the most central collisions, a strong suppression is observed for high-p T jets reconstructed with all …