Ratios of dijet production cross sections as a function of the absolute difference in rapidity between jets in proton–proton collisions at

CMS Collaboration cms-publication-committee-chair@ cern. ch, Serguei Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, M Dragicevic, J Erö, C Fabjan, M Friedl, R Frühwirth, VM Ghete, J Hammer, M Hoch, N Hörmann, J Hrubec, M Jeitler, W Kiesenhofer, M Krammer, D Liko, I Mikulec, M Pernicka, B Rahbaran, C Rohringer, H Rohringer, R Schöfbeck, J Strauss, A Taurok, F Teischinger, P Wagner, W Waltenberger, G Walzel, E Widl, C-E Wulz, V Mossolov, N Shumeiko, J Suarez Gonzalez, S Bansal, L Benucci, T Cornelis, EA De Wolf, X Janssen, S Luyckx, T Maes, L Mucibello, S Ochesanu, B Roland, R Rougny, M Selvaggi, H Van Haevermaet, P Van Mechelen, N Van Remortel, A Van Spilbeeck, F Blekman, S Blyweert, J D’Hondt, R Gonzalez Suarez, A Kalogeropoulos, M Maes, A Olbrechts, W Van Doninck, P Van Mulders, GP Van Onsem, I Villella, O Charaf, B Clerbaux, G De Lentdecker, V Dero, APR Gay, GH Hammad, T Hreus, A Léonard, PE Marage, L Thomas, C Vander Velde, P Vanlaer, J Wickens, V Adler, K Beernaert, A Cimmino, S Costantini, G Garcia, M Grunewald, B Klein, J Lellouch, A Marinov, J Mccartin, AA Ocampo Rios, D Ryckbosch, N Strobbe, F Thyssen, M Tytgat, L Vanelderen, P Verwilligen, S Walsh, E Yazgan, N Zaganidis, S Basegmez, G Bruno, L Ceard, J De Favereau De Jeneret, C Delaere, T du Pree, D Favart, L Forthomme, A Giammanco, G Gregoire, J Hollar, V Lemaitre, J Liao, O Militaru, C Nuttens, D Pagano, A Pin, K Piotrzkowski, N Schul, N Beliy, T Caebergs, E Daubie, GA Alves, M Correa Martins Junior, D De Jesus Damiao, T Martins, ME Pol, MHG Souza, WL Alda Junior, W Carvalho, A Custodio, EM Da Costa, C De Oliveira Martins, S Fonseca De Souza, D Matos Figueiredo, L Mundim, H Nogima, V Oguri, WL Prado Da Silva, A Santoro, SM Silva Do Amaral, L Soares Jorge, A Sznajder, TS Anjos, CA Bernardes, FA Dias, TR Fernandez Perez Tomei, EM Gregores, C Lagana, F Marinho, PG Mercadante, SF Novaes
Abstract:A study of dijet production in proton–proton collisions was performed at $\sqrt{s}=7\mbox{~TeV}$ for jets with p T>35 GeV and |y|<4.7 using data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2010. Events with at least one pair of jets are denoted as “inclusive”. Events with exactly one pair of jets are called “exclusive”. The ratio of the cross section of all pairwise combinations of jets to the exclusive dijet cross section as a function of the rapidity difference between jets |Δy| is measured for the first time up to |Δy|=9.2. The ratio of the cross section for the pair consisting of the most forward and the most backward jet from the inclusive sample to the exclusive dijet cross section is also presented. The predictions of the Monte Carlo event generators pythia6 and pythia8 agree with the measurements. In both ratios the herwig++ generator exhibits a more pronounced rise versus |Δy| than observed in the …
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