The freeze-avoiding mountain pine beetle ( ) survives prolonged exposure to stressful cold by mitigating ionoregulatory collapse
Mads Kuhlmann Andersen,Amanda Diane Roe,Yuehong Liu,Antonia Musso,Serita Fudlosid,Fouzia Haider,Maya Evenden,Heath A. MacMillan
Abstract:Insect performance is intrinsically linked to environmental temperature, and surviving through winter represents a key challenge for temperate, alpine, and polar species. To overwinter, insects have adapted a wide range of strategies to become truly cold hardy. However, while the physiological mechanisms underlying the ability to avoid or tolerate freezing have been well-studied, little attention has been given to the challenge of maintaining ion homeostasis at frigid temperatures in these species, despite this being a central issue for insects susceptible to mild chilling. Here we investigate how prolonged exposure to temperatures just above the supercooling point affects ion balance in freeze-avoiding larvae of the mountain pine beetle ( ) in autumn, mid-winter, and spring, and relate it to organismal recovery times and survival outcomes. We found that hemolymph ion balance was gradually disrupted during the first day of exposure, characterized by hyperkalemia and hyponatremia, after which a plateau was reached and maintained for the rest of the seven day experiment. The degree of ionoregulatory collapse experienced by larvae correlated strongly with recovery times, which followed a similar asymptotical progression. Mortality increased slightly during the most severe cold exposures, where hemolymph K concentration was highest, and a logistic relationship was found between survival and hyperkalemia. Thus, the cold tolerance of the freeze-avoiding larvae of appears limited by the ability to prevent ionoregulatory collapse in a manner similar to less tolerant chill-susceptible insects, albeit at much lower temperatures. Furthermore, we posit that a prerequisite for the evolution of insect freeze avoidance is a convergent or ancestral ability to maintain ion homeostasis during exposure to extreme cold stress.