A model independent measurement of quark and gluon jet properties and differences

Opal Collaboration, R Akers, G Alexander, J Allison, N Altekamp, K Ametewee, KJ Anderson, S Anderson, S Arcelli, S Asai, D Axen, G Azuelos, AH Ball, E Barberio, RJ Barlow, R Bartoldus, JR Batley, G Beaudoin, J Bechtluft, A Beck, GA Beck, C Beeston, T Behnke, KW Bell, G Bella, S Bentvelsen, P Berlich, S Bethke, O Biebel, IJ Bloodworth, P Bock, HM Bosch, M Boutemeur, S Braibant, P Bright-Thomas, RM Brown, A Buijs, HJ Burckhart, C Burgard, R Bürgin, P Capiluppi, RK Carnegie, AA Carter, JR Carter, CY Chang, C Charlesworth, DG Charlton, SL Chu, PEL Clarke, JC Clayton, SG Clowes, I Cohen, JE Conboy, OC Cooke, M Cuffiani, S Dado, C Dallapiccola, GM Dallavalle, C Darling, S De Jong, LA del Pozo, H Deng, MS Dixit, E do Couto e Silva, JE Duboscq, E Duchovni, G Duckeck, IP Duerdoth, UC Dunwoody, JEG Edwards, PG Estabrooks, HG Evans, F Fabbri, B Fabbro, M Fanti, P Fath, F Fiedler, M Fierro, M Fincke-Keeler, HM Fischer, R Folman, DG Fong, M Foucher, H Fukui, A Fürtjes, P Gagnon, A Gaidot, JW Gary, J Gascon, SM Gascon-Shotkin, NI Geddes, C Geich-Gimbel, SW Gensler, FX Gentit, T Geralis, G Giacomelli, P Giacomelli, R Giacomelli, V Gibson, WR Gibson, JD Gillies, DM Gingrich, J Goldberg, MJ Goodrick, W Gorn, C Grandi, E Gross, GG Hanson, M Hansroul, M Hapke, CK Hargrove, PA Hart, C Hartmann, M Hauschild, CM Hawkes, R Hawkings, RJ Hemingway, G Herten, RD Heuer, JC Hill, SJ Hillier, T Hilse, PR Hobson, D Hochman, RJ Homer, AK Honma, R Howard, RE Hughes-Jones, DE Hutchcroft, P Igo-Kemenes, DC Imrie, A Jawahery, PW Jeffreys, H Jeremie, M Jimack, A Joly, M Jones, RWL Jones, P Jovanovic, J Kanzaki, D Karlen, K Kawagoe, T Kawamoto, RK Keeler, RG Kellogg, BW Kennedy, BJ King, J King, J Kirk, S Kluth
Abstract:Three jet events are selected from hadronic Z 0 decays with a symmetry such that the two lower energy jets are produced with the same energy and in the same jet environment. In some of the events, a displaced secondary vertex is reconstructed in one of the two lower energy jets, which permits the other lower energy jet to be identified as a gluon jet, with an estimated purity of about 93%. Comparing these gluon jets to the inclusive sample of lower energy jets from the symmetric data set yields direct, model independent measurements of quark and gluon jet properties, which have essentially no bias except from the jet definition. Results are reported using both the k⊥ and cone jet definitions. For the k⊥ algorithm, we find\left ⟨ n_ k_\bot^ ch.\right ⟩ gluon\left ⟨ n_ k_\bot^ ch.\right ⟩ quark= 1.25 ± 0.02 (stat.) ± 0.03 (syst.) for the ratio of the mean charged particle multiplicity of gluon to quark jets, while for the cone …
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