Measurement of Inclusive Charged-Particle Jet Production in Au+Au Collisions at √(s_nn)=200 GeV

J. Adam,L. Adamczyk,J. R. Adams,J. K. Adkins,G. Agakishiev,M. M. Aggarwal,Z. Ahammed,I. Alekseev,D. M. Anderson,A. Aparin,E. C. Aschenauer,M. U. Ashraf,F. G. Atetalla,A. Attri,G. S. Averichev,V. Bairathi,K. Barish,A. Behera,R. Bellwied,A. Bhasin,J. Bielcik,J. Bielcikova,L. C. Bland,I. G. Bordyuzhin,J. D. Brandenburg,A. V. Brandin,J. Butterworth,H. Caines,M. Calderon De la Barca Sanchez,D. Cebra,I. Chakaberia,P. Chaloupka,B. K. Chan,F-H. Chang,Z. Chang,N. Chankova-Bunzarova,A. Chatterjee,D. Chen,J. H. Chen,X. Chen,Z. Chen,J. Cheng,M. Cherney,M. Chevalier,S. Choudhury,W. Christie,X. Chu,H. J. Crawford,M. Csanad,M. Daugherity,T. G. Dedovich,I. M. Deppner,A. A. Derevschikov,L. Didenko,X. Dong,J. L. Drachenberg,J. C. Dunlop,T. Edmonds,N. Elsey,J. Engelage,G. Eppley,R. Esha,S. Esumi,O. Evdokimov,A. Ewigleben,O. Eyser,R. Fatemi,S. Fazio,P. Federic,J. Fedorisin,C. J. Feng,Y. Feng,P. Filip,E. Finch,Y. Fisyak,A. Francisco,L. Fulek,C. A. Gagliardi,T. Galatyuk,F. Geurts,A. Gibson,K. Gopal,D. Grosnick,W. Guryn,A. I. Hamad,A. Hamed,S. Harabasz,J. W. Harris,S. He,W. He,X. He,S. Heppelmann,N. Herrmann,E. Hoffman,L. Holub,Y. Hong,S. Horvat,Y. Hu,H. Z. Huang,S. L. Huang,T. Huang,X. Huang,T. J. Humanic,P. Huo,G. Igo,D. Isenhower,P. M. Jacobs,W. W. Jacobs,C. Jena,A. Jentsch,Y. Ji,J. Jia,K. Jiang,S. Jowzaee,X. Ju,E. G. Judd,S. Kabana,M. L. Kabir,S. Kagamaster,D. Kalinkin,K. Kang,D. Kapukchyan,K. Kauder,H. W. Ke,D. Keane,A. Kechechyan,M. Kelsey,Y. V. Khyzhniak,D. P. Kikola,C. Kim,B. Kimelman,D. Kincses,T. A. Kinghorn,I. Kisel,A. Kiselev,A. Kisiel,M. Kocan,L. Kochenda,L. K. Kosarzewski,L. Kramarik,P. Kravtsov,K. Krueger,N. Kulathunga Mudiyanselage,L. Kumar,R. Kunnawalkam Elayavalli,J. H. Kwasizur,R. Lacey,S. Lan,J. M. Landgraf,J. Lauret,A. Lebedev,R. Lednicky,J. H. Lee,Y. H. Leung,C. Li,W. Li,X. Li,Y. Li,Y. Liang,R. Licenik,T. Lin,Y. Lin,M. A. Lisa,F. Liu,H. Liu,P. Liu,T. Liu,X. Liu,Y. Liu,Z. Liu,T. Ljubicic,W. J. Llope,R. S. Longacre,N. S. Lukow,S. Luo,X. Luo,G. L. Ma,L. Ma,R. Ma,Y. G. Ma,N. Magdy,R. Majka,D. Mallick,S. Margetis,C. Markert,H. S. Matis,J. A. Mazer,N. G. Minaev,S. Mioduszewski,B. Mohanty,M. M. Mondal,I. Mooney,Z. Moravcova,D. A. Morozov,M. Nagy,J. D. Nam,Md. Nasim,K. Nayak,D. Neff,J. M. Nelson,D. B. Nemes,M. Nie,G. Nigmatkulov,T. Niida,L. V. Nogach,T. Nonaka,G. Odyniec,A. Ogawa,S. Oh,V. A. Okorokov,B. S. Page,R. Pak,A. Pandav,Y. Panebratsev,B. Pawlik,D. Pawlowska,H. Pei,C. Perkins,L. Pinsky,R. L. Pinter,J. Pluta,J. Porter,M. Posik,N. K. Pruthi,M. Przybycien,J. Putschke,H. Qiu,A. Quintero,S. K. Radhakrishnan,S. Ramachandran,R. L. Ray,R. Reed,H. G. Ritter,J. B. Roberts,O. V. Rogachevskiy,J. L. Romero,L. Ruan,J. Rusnak,N. R. Sahoo,H. Sako,S. Salur,J. Sandweiss,S. Sato,W. B. Schmidke,N. Schmitz,B. R. Schweid,F. Seck,J. Seger,M. Sergeeva,R. Seto,P. Seyboth,N. Shah,E. Shahaliev,P. V. Shanmuganathan,M. Shao,F. Shen,W. Q. Shen,S. S. Shi,Q. Y. Shou,E. P. Sichtermann,R. Sikora,M. Simko,J. Singh,S. Singha,N. Smirnov,W. Solyst,P. Sorensen,H. M. Spinka,B. Srivastava,T. D. S. Stanislaus,M. Stefaniak,D. J. Stewart,M. Strikhanov,B. Stringfellow,A. A. P. Suaide,M. Sumbera,B. Summa,X. M. Sun,X. Sun,Y. Sun,B. Surrow,D. N. Svirida,P. Szymanski,A. H. Tang,Z. Tang,A. Taranenko,T. Tarnowsky,J. H. Thomas,A. R. Timmins,D. Tlusty,M. Tokarev,C. A. Tomkiel,S. Trentalange,R. E. Tribble,P. Tribedy,S. K. Tripathy,O. D. Tsai,Z. Tu,T. Ullrich,D. G. Underwood,I. Upsal,G. Van Buren,J. Vanek,A. N. Vasiliev,I. Vassiliev,F. Videbaek,S. Vokal,S. A. Voloshin,F. Wang,G. Wang,J. S. Wang,P. Wang,Y. Wang,Z. Wang,J. C. Webb,P. C. Weidenkaff,L. Wen,G. D. Westfall,H. Wieman,S. W. Wissink,R. Witt,Y. Wu,Z. G. Xiao,G. Xie,W. Xie,H. Xu,N. Xu,Q. H. Xu,Y. F. Xu,Y. Xu,Z. Xu,C. Yang,Q. Yang,S. Yang,Y. Yang,Z. Yang,Z. Ye,L. Yi,K. Yip,H. Zbroszczyk,W. Zha,D. Zhang,S. Zhang,X. P. Zhang,Y. Zhang,Z. J. Zhang,Z. Zhang,J. Zhao,C. Zhong,C. Zhou,X. Zhu,Z. Zhu,M. Zurek,M. Zyzak
IF: 3.199
Physical Review C
Abstract:The STAR Collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider reports thefirst measurement of inclusive jet production in peripheral and central Au+Aucollisions at √(s_NN)=200 GeV. Jets are reconstructed with theanti-k_T algorithm using charged tracks with pseudorapidity |η|<1.0and transverse momentum 0.2<p_T,jet^ch<30 GeV/c, with jet resolutionparameter R=0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. The large background yield uncorrelated withthe jet signal is observed to be dominated by statistical phase space,consistent with a previous coincidence measurement. This background issuppressed by requiring a high-transverse-momentum (high-p_T) leading hadronin accepted jet candidates. The bias imposed by this requirement is assessed,and the p_T region in which the bias is small is identified. Inclusivecharged-particle jet distributions are reported in peripheral and central Au+Aucollisions for 5<p_T,jet^ch<25 GeV/c and 5<p_T,jet^ch<30 GeV/c,respectively. The charged-particle jet inclusive yield is suppressed forcentral Au+Au collisions, compared to both the peripheral Au+Au yield from thismeasurement and to the pp yield calculated using the PYTHIA event generator.The magnitude of the suppression is consistent with that of inclusive hadronproduction at high p_T, and that of semi-inclusive recoil jet yield whenexpressed in terms of energy loss due to medium-induced energy transport.Comparison of inclusive charged-particle jet yields for different values of Rexhibits no significant evidence for medium-induced broadening of thetransverse jet profile for R<0.4 in central Au+Au collisions. The measureddistributions are consistent with theoretical model calculations thatincorporate jet quenching.
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