What is the nature of glassy state
Zhang Qin-Yuan,Wang WeiChao,Jiang Zhong-Hong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1360/N972015-01321
Chinese Science Bulletin
Abstract:Glasses, non-crystalline solids, and amorphous materials are presentlyplaying increasingly important roles in modern technology. In additionto conventional glass, which is an indispensable material in the currenteconomy in architecture, transport, lighting, and environmental control,a wide variety of glasses and amorphous materials are used in increasinglysophisticated applications in optics, electronics, optoelectronics,energy science and biotechnologies. Glass is considered a vitreoussupercooled liquid that is in a thermodynamically metastable statebetween the molten liquid state and the crystalline state. This uniqueproperty of glass is different from the solid, liquid, and gaseousstates observed for other elements. The vitrification of a liquidto form a glass is often related to glass transition. This processis a complex dynamic system with multi-body interactions, and henceglass transition is still an unsolved problem in condensed matterphysics up to the present time. The formation of glasses is an extremelyinteresting phenomenon. In terms of thermodynamic phase equilibrium,no substance should persist in the glassy state because glass is ametastable state. However, in terms of kinetics, any material canform a glassy state as long as the cooling rate and the melting viscosityare sufficiently high to prevent crystallization. A comprehensiveunderstanding of the nature of glass formation and the factors thatpredominantly dominate the glass-forming ability and glass-formingregions of materials is of fundamental importance for advancing thetechnological applications of glasses. Glass structure is anotheressential question in glass science. Great efforts have been investedto develop a universal model to represent all glass structures. However,the concept of a universal structure model is incompatible with thefact that the vitreous state is in a thermodynamically metastablestate because a specific structure can only arise in a thermodynamicallystable state. To date, theories proposed on glass structures are basedon various models rather than on the variability and diversity ofglass structures in thermodynamically metastable states. The controversysurrounding the glass structure hypotheses lies in the estimationof the degree of order or disorder. While whether or not glass isan ordered state has long been a topic of debate, the structure-propertiesrelationships are not much addressed. Understanding the nature ofthe glassy state is the key to the development of new glasses withimproved properties and manufacturability for various engineeringapplications. In 2005, the question of “What is the natureof glassy state” was suggested one of the greatest scientificconundrum for science’s 125th anniversary. Herein, the presentreview strives to provide a comprehensive review of the recent progressmade in understanding glassy state and describes the technologicaldevelopments driven by this new information, especially on the basicscientific problems of glass transition, physical mechanism and theoreticalprediction of glass formation, and glass structure hypotheses andtechnological developments. Finally, we discussed the current progressand the challenges on the nature of glassy state, and suggested possibleresearch directions.