The oxidative quality of bi-, oleo- and emulgels and their bioactives molecules delivery
Anda Elena Tanislav,Andreea Pușcaș,Vlad Mureșan,Elena Mudura
Abstract:During recent years, the applicability of bi-, oleo- and emulgels has been widely studied, proving several advantages as compared to conventional fats, such as increasing the unsaturated fat content of products and being more sustainable for temperate regions as compared to tropical fats. Moreover, these alternative fat systems improve the nutritional profile, increase the bioavailability of bioactive compounds, and can be used as preservation films and markers for the inactivation of pathogens, while in 3D printing facilitate the obtaining of superior food products. Furthermore, bi-, oleo- and emulgels offer food industries efficient, innovative, and sustainable alternatives to animal fats, shortenings, margarine, palm and coconut oil due to the nutritional improvements. According to recent studies, gels can be used as ingredients for the total or partial replacement of saturated and trans fats in the meat, bakery and pastry industry. The evaluation of the oxidative quality of this gelled systems is significant because the production process involves the use of heat treatments and continuous stirring where large amounts of air can be incorporated. The aim of this literature review is to provide a synthesis of studies to better understand the interaction of components and to identify future improvements that can be applied in oil gelling technology. Generally, higher temperatures used in obtaining polymeric gels, lead to more oxidation compounds, while a higher concentration of structuring agents leads to a better protection against oxidation. Due to the gel network ability to function as a barrier against oxidation factors, gelled matrices are able to provide superior protection for the bioactive compounds. The release percentage of bioactive molecules can be regulated by formulating the gel matrix (type and concentration of structuring agents and type of oil). In terms of food products, future research may include the use of antioxidants to improve the oxidative stability of the reformulated products.