On some recent developments in Kähler geometry
Xiuxiong Chen,S. Donaldson,Song Sun
Abstract:These are related, because the ideas involved in (1) form one of the main foundations for (2). More precisely, the proof of the Yau conjecture relies on an extension of the partial C estimate to metrics with conic singularities. Gang Tian has made claims to credit for these results. The purpose of this document is to rebut these claims on the grounds of originality, priority and correctness of the mathematical arguments. We acknowledge Tian’s many contributions to this field in the past and, partly for this reason, we have avoided raising our objections publicly over the last 15 months, but it seems now that this is the course we have to take in order to document the facts. In addition, this seems to us the responsible action to take and one we owe to our colleagues, especially those affected by these developments.