Brief temporal perturbations in somatosensory reafference disrupt perceptual and neural attenuation and increase supplementary motor area–cerebellar connectivity
Konstantina Kilteni,Christian Houborg,H. Henrik Ehrsson
Abstract:Intrinsic delays in sensory feedback can be detrimental for motor control. As a compensation strategy, the brain predicts the sensory consequences of movement via a forward model on the basis of a copy of the motor command. Using these predictions, the brain attenuates somatosensory reafference to facilitate the processing of exafferent information. Theoretically, this predictive attenuation is disrupted by (even minimal) temporal errors between the predicted and actual reafference; however, direct evidence of such disruption is lacking since previous neuroimaging studies contrasted nondelayed reafferent input with exafferent input. Here, we combined psychophysics with functional magnetic resonance imaging to test whether subtle perturbations in the timing of somatosensory reafference disrupt its predictive processing. Twenty-eight participants (14 women) generated touches on their left index finger by tapping a sensor with their right index finger. The touches on the left index finger were delivered close to the time of the two fingers’ contact or with a temporal perturbation ( i.e. , 153 ms delay). We found that such a brief temporal perturbation disrupted the attenuation of the somatosensory reafference at both the perceptual and neural levels, leading to greater somatosensory and cerebellar responses and weaker somatosensory connectivity with the cerebellum, proportional to the perceptual changes. We interpret these effects as the failure of the forward model to predictively attenuate the perturbed somatosensory reafference. Moreover, we observed increased connectivity of the supplementary motor area with the cerebellum during the perturbations, which could indicate the return of the temporal prediction error to the motor centers. Significance statement Our brain receives somatosensory feedback from our movements with a delay. To counteract these delays, motor control theories postulate that the brain predicts the timing of somatosensory consequences of our movements and attenuates sensations received at that time. Thus, a self-generated touch feels weaker than an identical external touch. However, how subtle temporal errors between the predicted and actual somatosensory feedback perturb this predictive attenuation remains unknown. We show that such errors make the otherwise attenuated touch feel stronger, elicit stronger somatosensory responses, weaken cerebellar connectivity with somatosensory areas, and increase this connectivity with motor areas. These findings show that motor and cerebellar areas are fundamental in forming temporal predictions about the sensory consequences of our movements.