Optimal Bridge, Twin Bridges and Beyond: Inserting Edges into a Road Network to Minimize the Constrained Diameters
Zhidan Feng,Henning Fernau,Binhai Zhu
Abstract:Given a road network modelled as a planar straight-line graph $G=(V,E)$ with $|V|=n$, let $(u,v)\in V\times V$, the shortest path (distance) between $u,v$ is denoted as $\delta_G(u,v)$. Let $\delta(G)=\max_{(u,v)}\delta_G(u,v)$, for $(u,v)\in V\times V$, which is called the diameter of $G$. Given a disconnected road network modelled as two disjoint trees $T_1$ and $T_2$, this paper first aims at inserting one and two edges (bridges) between them to minimize the (constrained) diameter $\delta(T_1\cup T_2\cup I_j)$ going through the inserted edges, where $I_j, j=1,2$, is the set of inserted edges with $|I_1|=1$ and $|I_2|=2$. The corresponding problems are called the {\em optimal bridge} and {\em twin bridges} problems. Since when more than one edge are inserted between two trees the resulting graph is becoming more complex, for the general network $G$ we consider the problem of inserting a minimum of $k$ edges such that the shortest distances between a set of $m$ pairs $P=\{(u_i,v_i)\mid u_i,v_i\in V, i\in [m]\}$, $\delta_G(u_i,v_i)$'s, are all decreased.
Computational Geometry