Integrability and singularities of Harish-Chandra characters
Itay Glazer,Julia Gordon,Yotam I. Hendel
Abstract:Let $G$ be a reductive group over a local field $F$ of characteristic $0$. By Harish-Chandra's regularity theorem, every global character $\Theta_{\pi}$ of an irreducible, admissible representation $\pi$ of $G$ is given by a locally integrable function $\theta_{\pi}$ on $G$. It is a natural question whether $\theta_{\pi}$ has better integrability properties, namely, whether it is locally $L^{1+\epsilon}$-integrable for some $\epsilon>0$. It follows from Harish-Chandra's work that the answer is positive, and this gives rise to a new singularity invariant of representations $\epsilon_{\star}(\pi):=\sup\left\{ \epsilon:\theta_{\pi}\in L_{\mathrm{Loc}}^{1+\epsilon}(G)\right\} $, which we explore in this paper.
We provide a lower bound on $\epsilon_{\star}(\pi)$ for any $G$, and determine $\epsilon_{\star}(\pi)$ in the case of a $p$-adic $\mathrm{GL}_{n}$. This is done by studying integrability properties of the Fourier transforms $\widehat{\xi_{\mathcal{O}}}$ of stable Richardson nilpotent orbital integrals $\xi_{\mathcal{O}}$. We express $\epsilon_{\star}(\widehat{\xi_{\mathcal{O}}})$ as the log-canonical threshold of a suitable relative Weyl discriminant, and use a resolution of singularities algorithm coming from the theory of hyperplane arrangements, to compute it in terms of the partition associated with the orbit.
As an application, we obtain bounds on the multiplicities of $K$-types in irreducible representations of $G$ in the $p$-adic case, where $K$ is an open compact subgroup.
Representation Theory,Algebraic Geometry