Renormalized Entropy Solutions for Degenerate Parabolic-Hyperbolic Equations with Time-Space Dependent Coefficients
Zhigang Wang,Lei Wang,Yachun Li
Abstract:We study the well-posedness of renormalized entropy solutions to the Cauchy problem for general degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations of the formpartial derivative(t)u + Sigma(d)(i=1)partial derivative(xi)f(i)(u,t,x) = Sigma(d)(i,j=1) partial derivative(xj)(a(ij)(u,t,x)partial derivative(xi)u) + gamma(t,x)with initial data u(0, x) = u(0)(x), where the convection flux function f, the diffusion function a, and the source term gamma depend explicitly on the independent variables t and x. We prove the uniqueness by using KruZkov's device of doubling variables and the existence by using vanishing viscosity method.