On the second moment of twisted $L$-functions

Haozhe Gou,Liangxun Li
Abstract:Under various suitable assumptions, we describe a general method to obtain the log-saving upper bound for the second moment of standard twisted $L$-function in the $q$-aspect. Specifically, let $L(s, F)$ be a standard $L$-function of degree $d\geq3$, the bound \[ \sideset{}{^*}{\sum}_{\chi (\mod q)}\Big|L\big(\frac{1}{2}, F\times \chi \big)\Big |^2\ll_{F,\eta} \frac{q^{\frac{d}{2}}}{\log^{\eta}q} \] holds for some small $\eta>0$.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to obtain an estimate of the upper bound with logarithmic savings in the q - aspect for the second moment of the twisted L - function. Specifically, for the degree \(d\geq3\) of the standard L - function \(L(s,F)\), the authors hope to prove the following bound: \[ \sum_{\chi \, (\text{mod} \, q)} \left| L\left(\frac{1}{2}, F\times\chi \right) \right|^2 \ll_{F, \eta} q^{\frac{d}{2}} (\log q)^{\eta} \] where \(\eta>0\) is a very small constant. ### Problem Background In analytic number theory, studying the values of L - functions at the central point is a fundamental problem. Many L - functions are organized into families, and their moments usually encode some deep - seated properties of these families. In recent years, families of twisted L - functions have attracted wide attention. For cases of lower degrees (such as \(d = 1\) and \(d = 2\)), some conjectures have been verified through advanced techniques and have produced important applications such as the non - vanishing problem, the extreme values of L - functions, etc. ### Research Motivation For high - degree L - functions (\(d\geq3\)) and high - order moments, the existing convexity bound is: \[ \sum_{\chi \, (\text{mod} \, q)} \left| L\left(\frac{1}{2}, F\times\chi \right) \right|^{2k} \ll_{F, \varepsilon} q^{\frac{dk}{2}+\varepsilon} \] However, seeking a non - trivial upper bound tighter than this bound remains an open problem. The goal of this paper is to improve this upper bound by introducing new assumptions and techniques, especially to obtain logarithmic savings in the q - aspect. ### Main Results The authors propose a general method and, under appropriate assumptions, obtain an upper bound with logarithmic savings for the second moment of the twisted L - function. The specific results are as follows: 1. **Theorem 1.1**: For \(d\geq3\) and \(q\geq2\), assuming that (A1), (A2), (A3) and (A4) hold, we have: \[ \sum_{\chi\in F_q} \left| L\left(\frac{1}{2}, F\times\chi \right) \right|^2 \ll_F q^{\frac{d}{2}} (\log q)^{\eta} \] for any \(\eta < 1-\beta\). 2. **Theorem 1.2**: For \(d\geq5\) and \(Q\geq2\), assuming that (A1), (A2), (A3) and (A4) hold for all \(Q\leq q\leq 2Q\), we have: \[ \sum_{Q\leq q\leq 2Q} \sum_{\chi\in F_q} \left| L\left(\frac{1}{2}, F\times\chi \right) \right|^2 \ll_F Q^{\frac{d}{2}} (\log Q)^{\eta} \] for any \(\eta < 1-\beta\). ### Applications and Significance These results not only provide a more refined estimate of the second moment of the twisted L - function, but also provide a powerful tool for further studying the non - vanishing problem of L - functions and other related problems. In addition, these results can be generalized to a broader mixed - moment problem in some cases. Through these improved upper bounds, researchers can better understand the behavior of L - functions, especially the behavior near the central point, which is of great significance for many problems in analytic number theory.