6x2pt: Forecasting gains from joint weak lensing and galaxy clustering analyses with spectroscopic-photometric galaxy cross-correlations
Harry Johnston,Nora Elisa Chisari,Shahab Joudaki,Robert Reischke,Benjamin Stölzner,Arthur Loureiro,Constance Mahony,Sandra Unruh,Angus H. Wright,Marika Asgari,Maciej Bilicki,Pierre Burger,Andrej Dvornik,Christos Georgiou,Benjamin Giblin,Catherine Heymans,Hendrik Hildebrandt,Benjamin Joachimi,Konrad Kuijken,Shun-Sheng Li,Laila Linke,Lucas Porth,HuanYuan Shan,Tilman Tröster,Jan Luca van den Busch,Maximilian von Wietersheim-Kramsta,Ziang Yan,Yun-Hao Zhang
Abstract:We explore the enhanced self-calibration of photometric galaxy redshift distributions, $n(z)$, through the combination of up to six two-point functions. Our $\rm 3\times2pt$ configuration is comprised of photometric shear, spectroscopic galaxy clustering, and spectroscopic-photometric galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL). We further include spectroscopic-photometric cross-clustering; photometric GGL; and photometric auto-clustering, using the photometric shear sample as density tracer. We perform simulated likelihood forecasts of the cosmological and nuisance parameter constraints for Stage-III- and Stage-IV-like surveys. For the Stage-III-like case, we employ realistic but perturbed redshift distributions, and distinguish between "coherent" shifting in one direction, versus more internal scattering and full-shape errors. For perfectly known $n(z)$, a $\rm 6\times2pt$ analysis gains $\sim40\%$ in Figure of Merit (FoM) in the $S_8\equiv\sigma_8\sqrt{\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3}$ and $\Omega_{\rm m}$ plane relative to the $\rm 3\times2pt$ analysis. If untreated, coherent and incoherent redshift errors lead to inaccurate inferences of $S_8$ and $\Omega_{\rm m}$, respectively. Employing bin-wise scalar shifts $\delta{z}_i$ in the tomographic mean redshifts reduces cosmological parameter biases, with a $\rm 6x2pt$ analysis constraining the shift parameters with $2-4$ times the precision of a photometric $\rm 3^{ph}\times2pt$ analysis. For the Stage-IV-like survey, a $\rm 6\times2pt$ analysis doubles the FoM($\sigma_8{-}\Omega_{\rm m}$) compared to any $\rm 3\times2pt$ or $\rm 3^{ph}\times2pt$ analysis, and is only $8\%$ less constraining than if the $n(z)$ were perfectly known. A Gaussian mixture model for the $n(z)$ reduces mean-redshift errors and preserves the $n(z)$ shape. It also yields the most accurate and precise cosmological constraints for any $N\rm\times2pt$ configuration given $n(z)$ biases.
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics