On Weak Universal Deformation Rings for Objects of EXT-FINITE Categories of Modules
Diego H. Lopez-Garcia,Pedro Rizzo,Jose A. Velez-Marulanda
Abstract:Let $\A$ be a $\k$-algebra where $\k$ a field of arbitrary characteristic, and let $\mathscr{A}_\k$ be a full subcategory of $\A$-Mod, the abelian category of left $\A$-modules.Following M. Kleiner and I. Reiten, $\mathscr{A}_\k$ is {\it Hom-finite} if the hom-space between any two objects in $\mathscr{A}_\k$ is finite-dimensional over $\k$. We further say that $\mathscr{A}_\k$ is {\it Ext-finite} if $\dim_\k\Ext^i_\A(X,Y)<\infty$ for all objects $X$ and $Y$ in $\mathscr{A}_\k$. Let $V$ be an object in $\mathscr{A}_\k$. In this note we prove that if $\End_\A(V)$ is isomorphic to $\k$, then $V$ has a universal deformation ring $R(\A,V)$, which is a local complete Noetherian commutative $\k$-algebra whose residue field is also isomorphic to $\k$. We use this result to prove that if $\A$ is a local two-point infinite dimensional gentle $\k$-algebra (in the sense of V. Bekkert et al), then $R(\A,V)$ is isomorphic either to $\k$, to $\k[\![t]\!]/(t^2)$ or to $\k[\![t]\!]$.
Representation Theory