Semiclassical scattering by edge imperfections in topological insulators under magnetic field

A.S. Dotdaev,Ya.I. Rodionov,A.V. Rozhkov,P.D. Grigoriev
Abstract:We study the scattering of edge states of 2D topological insulator (TI) in the uniform external magnetic field due to edge imperfections, common in realistic 2D TI samples. The external magnetic field breaks time reversal (TR) symmetry, opening the possibility of the scattering of otherwise topologically protected fermionic edge states. The scattering happens to be always an over-barrier event, irrespective of the shape of the edge deformation and magnitude of the magnetic field. We use the advanced Pokrovsky-Khalatnikov semiclassical approach, which allows us to obtain analytically both the main exponential and pre-exponential factors of the scattering amplitude for wide classes of analytic deformation profiles.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Strongly Correlated Electrons
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problems does this paper attempt to solve? This paper aims to study the scattering phenomenon of two - dimensional topological insulator (2D TI) edge states caused by edge defects under the action of a uniform external magnetic field. Specifically, the author focuses on: 1. **Breaking of time - reversal symmetry**: The external magnetic field breaks the time - reversal symmetry (TR symmetry), making it possible for the originally topologically protected fermionic edge states to scatter. This scattering is strictly prohibited in the absence of a magnetic field because the time - reversal symmetry protects these edge states. 2. **Theoretical model of scattering mechanism**: The author proposes a theoretical model to describe the influence of spin - orbit interaction (SOI) on edge defects. They control edge defects by introducing a deformed angular profile function and study its influence on the scattering process. 3. **Application of semi - classical method**: The author uses the advanced Pokrovsky - Khalatnikov semi - classical method to analytically obtain the main exponent and pre - exponential factor of the scattering amplitude. This method is applicable to a wide range of analytically deformed profiles. 4. **Scattering characteristics caused by magnetic field**: The characteristics of edge - state scattering in the presence of an external magnetic field are studied. In particular, they explore two limiting cases: - **Semi - classical limit of smooth deformation** - **Perturbation theory limit of small magnetic field strength** 5. **Matching the two limits**: The results of the above two limiting cases are matched to provide a more comprehensive understanding. ### Formula summary 1. **Hamiltonian**: \[ \hat{H} = h(\vec{p})+\alpha\vec{\sigma}\times\vec{p}\cdot\vec{\nu} \] where \(h(p)\) is the part of the energy band structure independent of spin - orbit interaction, \(\vec{p}\) is the momentum of the electron, \(\vec{\nu}\) is the unit vector perpendicular to the surface, and \(\alpha\) is the Rashba parameter. 2. **Effective Hamiltonian**: \[ \hat{H}_0 = v_F\hat{p}_x\hat{\sigma}_y \] where \(v_F = v_0-\alpha\) is the Fermi velocity corrected by spin - orbit interaction. 3. **Hamiltonian including magnetic field**: \[ \hat{H}_{1D}(x)=v_F\hat{p}_x\sigma_y+\mu\sigma_z+\hat{U}(x) \] where \(\mu=\mu_B g H\) is the Zeeman term, and \(g\) is the \(g\) - factor of edge electrons. 4. **Dirac equation**: \[ \left(v_F\hat{p}_x\sigma_y+\mu\sigma_z+\hat{U}(x)\right)\psi(x)=\varepsilon\psi(x) \] 5. **Reflection coefficient**: \[ R\equiv|r|^2=\exp\left(-\frac{4}{\hbar v_F}\text{Im}\int_{z_+}^{x_0}\sqrt{\varepsilon^2(\phi^2 + 1)-\mu^2}\,dz\right) \] Through these formulas and theoretical analysis, the author reveals how time - reversal symmetry governs the analytical properties of the scattering amplitude and explains the phenomenon that scattering events always cross the potential barrier in the presence of an external magnetic field.