Michael Candon,Errol Hale,Maciej Balajewicz,Arturo Delgado-Gutierrez,Pier Marzocca
Abstract:Machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms typically require large amount of data for training. This means that for nonlinear aeroelastic applications, where small training budgets are driven by the high computational burden associated with generating data, usability of such methods has been limited to highly simplified aeroelastic systems. This paper presents a novel approach for the identification of optimized sparse higher-order polynomial-based aeroelastic reduced order models (ROM) to significantly reduce the amount of training data needed without sacrificing fidelity. Several sparsity promoting algorithms are considered, including; rigid sparsity, LASSO regression, and Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP). The study demonstrates that through OMP, it is possible to efficiently identify optimized s-sparse nonlinear aerodynamic ROMs using only aerodynamic response information. This approach is exemplified in a three-dimensional aeroelastic stabilator model experiencing high amplitude freeplay-induced limit cycles. The comparison shows excellent agreement between the ROM and the full-order aeroelastic response, including the ability to generalize to new freeplay and velocity index values, with online computational savings of several orders of magnitude. The development of an Optimally Sparse ROM (OS-ROM) extends previous higher-order polynomial-based ROM approaches for feasible application to complex three-dimensional nonlinear aeroelastic problems, without incurring significant computational burdens or loss of accuracy.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper focuses on how to effectively establish a nonlinear and non-parametric simplified model in high-speed aerodynamic elastic systems, in order to reduce the demand for training data without sacrificing accuracy. Current machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms are limited in dealing with such high computational cost problems because they require a large amount of training data. The paper proposes a novel method to identify simplified models of aerodynamic elasticity based on high-order polynomials (ROM) through optimizing sparsity, especially using the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm to efficiently identify optimized sparse nonlinear aerodynamic ROM.
The application of this method is to reduce the required amount of training data, thereby avoiding the extensive offline computation caused by polynomial functions. By using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, the paper is able to identify optimized s-sparse nonlinear aerodynamic ROM using only aerodynamic response information. The simulation of limit cycle oscillation caused by high-amplitude free swing in the three-dimensional aerodynamic elastic stabilizer model shows that the ROM has good consistency with the full-order aerodynamic elastic response and can generalize to new free-swing and velocity exponent values, achieving significant savings in online computation.
The main contributions of this paper are:
1. Proposing a new method to optimize sparse nonlinear aerodynamic elastic ROM, significantly reducing the demand for training data while maintaining accuracy.
2. This efficient method allows the application of ROM based on high-order polynomial functions to three-dimensional aerodynamic elastic problems with structural nonlinearity, without significant computational burden or loss of accuracy.
The structure of the paper includes: introduction to the background, unsteady aerodynamic force model based on high-order Taylor series expansion, construction of optimized sparse aerodynamic elastic simplified model, nonlinear aerodynamic elastic case study, results presentation and discussion, limitations analysis, future research directions, and conclusions.