Schubert puzzles and integrability II: multiplying motivic Segre classes
Allen Knutson,Paul Zinn-Justin
Abstract:In Schubert Puzzles and Integrability I we proved several "puzzle rules" for computing products of Schubert classes in K-theory (and sometimes equivariant K-theory) of d-step flag varieties. The principal tool was "quantum integrability", in several variants of the Yang--Baxter equation; this let us recognize the Schubert structure constants as q->0 limits of certain matrix entries in products of R- (and other) matrices of quantized affine algebra representations. In the present work we give direct cohomological interpretations of those same matrix entries but at finite q: they compute products of "motivic Segre classes", closely related to K-theoretic Maulik--Okounkov stable classes living on the cotangent bundles of the flag varieties. Without q->0, we avoid some divergences that blocked fuller understanding of d=3,4. The puzzle computations are then explained (in cohomology onlyin this work, not K-theory) in terms of Lagrangian convolutions between Nakajima quiver varieties. More specifically, the conormal bundle to the diagonal inclusion of a flag variety factors through a quiver variety that is not a cotangent bundle, and it is on that intermediate quiver variety that the R-matrix calculation occurs.
Algebraic Geometry,Mathematical Physics,Combinatorics