Inequalities involving the primorial counting function

Christian Axler
Abstract:Let $\varphi(n)$ denote the Euler totient function. In this paper, we first establish a new upper bound for $n/\varphi(n)$ involving $K(n)$, the function that counts the number of primorials not exceeding $n$. In particular, this leads to an answer to a question raised by Aoudjit, Berkane, and Dusart concerning an upper bound for the sum-of-divisors function $\sigma(n)$. Furthermore, we give some lower bounds for $N_k/\varphi(N_k)$ as well as for $\sigma(N_k)/N_k$, where $N_k$ denotes the $k$th primorial.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problems that this paper attempts to solve mainly focus on the field of number theory, especially the inequality problems related to Euler's totient function and the prime - number - counting function. Specifically: 1. **Establishing a new upper bound**: The author first establishes a new upper bound for \( \frac{n}{\phi(n)} \), where \( \phi(n) \) is Euler's totient function, representing the number of positive integers that are coprime to \( n \). This upper bound involves \( K(n) \), that is, the number of prime numbers not exceeding \( n \). 2. **Answering questions about the divisor - sum function**: Based on the above - mentioned new upper bound, the author solves a problem proposed by Aoudjit, Berkane and Dusart, that is, the upper - bound problem of the divisor - sum function \( \sigma(n) \). Here \( \sigma(n) \) represents the sum of all positive divisors of \( n \). 3. **Providing lower - bound estimates**: In addition, the author also provides some lower - bound estimates of \( \frac{N_k}{\phi(N_k)} \) and \( \frac{\sigma(N_k)}{N_k} \), where \( N_k \) represents the product of the \( k \) - th prime number (that is, the product of the first \( k \) prime numbers). 4. **The relationship with the Riemann hypothesis**: The author further explores the relationship between these inequalities and the Riemann hypothesis, especially using the known Riemann hypothesis conditions to prove the validity of certain inequalities within a specific range. ### Specific problem summary - **Core problem**: Provide more accurate upper - and lower - bound estimates for \( \frac{n}{\phi(n)} \) and \( \frac{\sigma(n)}{n} \), and explore the relationship between these estimates and the Riemann hypothesis. - **Method**: By introducing the prime - number - counting function \( K(n) \) and combining existing number - theory results (such as Vinogradov and Cipolla's formulas), the author derives new inequalities. - **Application scenarios**: These inequalities not only help to understand the properties of Euler's totient function and the divisor - sum function, but may also provide new ideas for verifying the Riemann hypothesis. ### Key formulas - Definition of Euler's totient function: \[ \phi(n)=n \prod_{p|n}\left(1 - \frac{1}{p}\right) \] - Definition of prime - number product: \[ N_k = \prod_{i = 1}^k p_i \] - Inequality in the main theorem: \[ \frac{n}{\phi(n)}<e^\gamma\left(\frac{\log K(n)+\log_2 K(n)+\log_2 K(n)-1}{\log K(n)-\log_2^2 K(n)-4 \log_2 K(n)+\frac{4.897}{2 \log_2 K(n)}}\right) \] These works provide new insights into some classic problems in number theory and lay the foundation for further research.