An Introduction to Different Approaches to Initial Semantics
Thomas Lamiaux,Benedikt Ahrens
Abstract:Characterizing programming languages with variable binding as initial objects, was first achieved by Fiore, Plotkin, and Turi in their seminal paper published at LICS'99. To do so, in particular to prove initiality theorems, they developed a framework based on monoidal categories, functors with strengths, and $\Sigma$-monoids. An alternative approach using modules over monads was later introduced by Hirschowitz and Maggesi, for endofunctor categories, that is, for particular monoidal categories. This approach has the advantage of providing a more general and abstract definition of signatures and models; however, no general initiality result is known for this notion of signature. Furthermore, Matthes and Uustalu provided a categorical formalism for constructing (initial) monads via Mendler-style recursion, that can also be used for initial semantics. The different approaches have been developed further in several articles. However, in practice, the literature is difficult to access, and links between the different strands of work remain underexplored.
Logic in Computer Science,Programming Languages