Hypertoric Fukaya categories and categories O
Laurent Côté,Benjamin Gammage,Justin Hilburn
Abstract:To a conical symplectic resolution with Hamiltonian torus action, Braden--Proudfoot--Licata--Webster associate a category O, defined using deformation quantization (DQ) modules. It has long been expected, though not stated precisely in the literature, that category O also admits a "Betti-type" realization as the Fukaya--Seidel category of a Lefschetz fibration.
In this paper, we confirm that the category O associated to a toric hyperkähler manifold is equivalent to the partially wrapped Fukaya category of a Liouville manifold stopped by the fiber of a J-holomorphic moment map. The proof involves relating earlier DQ-module computations to a new computation of microlocal perverse sheaves. Leveraging known results on (de Rham) hypertoric category O, we deduce several Floer-theoretic consequences, including formality of simple objects and Koszul duality for the (fully) wrapped Fukaya category; conversely, by applying results about microlocal sheaves, we produce a relative Calabi-Yau structure on category O.
Symplectic Geometry,Representation Theory