Long cycles and spectral radii in planar graphs
Ping Xu,Huiqiu Lin,Longfei Fang
Abstract:There is a rich history of studying the existence of cycles in planar graphs. The famous Tutte theorem on the Hamilton cycle states that every 4-connected planar graph contains a Hamilton cycle. Later on, Thomassen (1983), Thomas and Yu (1994) and Sanders (1996) respectively proved that every 4-connected planar graph contains a cycle of length $n-1, n-2$ and $n-3$. Chen, Fan and Yu (2004) further conjectured that every 4-connected planar graph contains a cycle of length $\ell$ for $\ell\in\{n,n-1,\ldots,n-25\}$ and they verified that $\ell\in \{n-4, n-5, n-6\}$. When we remove the ``4-connected" condition, how to guarantee the existence of a long cycle in a planar graph? A natural question asks by adding a spectral radius condition: What is the smallest constant $C$ such that for sufficiently large $n$, every graph $G$ of order $n$ with spectral radius greater than $C$ contains a long cycle in a planar graph? In this paper, we give a stronger answer to the above question. Let $G$ be a planar graph with order $n\geq 1.8\times 10^{17}$ and $k\leq \lfloor\log_2(n-3)\rfloor-8$ be a non-negative integer, we show that if $\rho(G)\geq \rho(K_2\vee(P_{n-2k-4}\cup 2P_{k+1}))$ then $G$ contains a cycle of length $\ell$ for every $\ell\in \{n-k, n-k-1, \ldots, 3\}$ unless $G\cong K_2\vee(P_{n-2k-4}\cup 2P_{k+1})$.