Applications of Orlicz-Hardy Spaces Associated with Operators Satisfying Poisson Estimates
YiYu Liang,DaChun Yang,SiBei Yang
Science China Mathematics
Abstract:Let L be a linear operator in L 2(â n ) and generate an analytic semigroup {e âtL } tâ©Ÿ0 with kernel satisfying an upper bound estimate of Poisson type, whose decay is measured by Ξ(L) â (0,â). Let Ί be a positive, continuous and strictly increasing function on (0,â), which is of strictly critical lower type p Ί â (n/(n + Ξ(L)), 1]. Denote by H Ί,L (â n ) the Orlicz-Hardy space introduced in Jiang, Yang and Zhouâs paper in 2009. If Ί is additionally of upper type 1 and subadditive, the authors then show that the Littlewood-Paley g-function gL maps H Ί,L (â n ) continuously into L Ί(â n ) and, moreover, the authors characterize H Ί,L (â n ) in terms of the Littlewood-Paley g λ * -function with λ â (n(2/p Ί + 1),â). If Ί is further slightly strengthened to be concave, the authors show that a generalized Riesz transform associated with L is bounded from H Ί,L (â n ) to the Orlicz space L Ί(â n ) or the Orlicz-Hardy space H Ί(â n ); moreover, the authors establish a new subtle molecular characterization of H Ί,L (â n ) associated with L and, as applications, the authors then show that the corresponding fractional integral L âÎł for certain Îł â (0,â) maps H Ί,L (â n ) continuously into \(H_{\tilde \Phi ,L} (\mathbb{R}^n )\), where \(\tilde \Phi\) satisfies the same properties as Ί and is determined by Ί and Îł, and also that L has a bounded holomorphic functional calculus in H Ί,L (â n ). All these results are new even when Ί(t) ⥠t p for all t â (0,â) and p â (n/(n + Ξ(L)), 1].