Variable Hardy Spaces Associated with Schrödinger Operators on Strongly Lipschitz Domains with Their Applications to Regularity for Inhomogeneous Dirichlet Problems
Xiong Liu,Dachun Yang,Sibei Yang
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
Abstract:Let n≥ 3 , Ω be a strongly Lipschitz domain of ℝ^n , and p(· ): ℝ^n→ (0,1] a variable exponent function satisfying the globally log-Hölder continuous condition. Assume that L_Ω :=-Δ +V is a Schrödinger operator on L^2(Ω ) with the Dirichlet boundary condition, where Δ denotes the Laplace operator and the nonnegative potential V belongs to the reverse Hölder class RH_q_0(ℝ^n) for some q_0∈ (n/2,∞ ] . In this article, the authors first introduce the variable Hardy space H_L_Ω^p(· )(Ω ) associated with L_Ω on Ω , via the Lusin area function associated with L_Ω , and the “geometrical” variable Hardy space H_L_ℝ^n, r^p(· )(Ω ) , via the variable Hardy space H_L_ℝ^n^p(· )(ℝ^n) associated with the Schrödinger operator L_ℝ^n:=-Δ +V on ℝ^n , and then prove that H_L_Ω^p(· )(Ω ) =H_L_ℝ^n, r^p(· )(Ω ) with equivalent quasi-norms. As an application, the authors show that, when Ω is a bounded, simply connected, and semiconvex domain of ℝ^n and the nonnegative potential V belongs to the reverse Hölder class RH_q_0(ℝ^n) for some q_0∈ (max{n/2,2},∞ ] , the operators VL^-1_Ω and ∇ ^2L^-1_Ω are bounded from H_L_ℝ^n, r^p(· )(Ω ) to the variable Lebesgue space L^p(· )(Ω ) , or to itself. As a corollary, the second-order regularity for the inhomogeneous Dirichlet problems of the corresponding Schrödinger equations in the scale of variable Hardy spaces H_L_ℝ^n, r^p(· )(Ω ) is obtained.